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Everything posted by Gouldian

  1. Bro, Hope all is well for your tank. Thanks for the pseudocarynactis, it is doing well in my tank. Cheers,
  2. Hi Bro, I have used before and find that it is well build and lasting. Hydor moonlight are meant to deliver spot lighting thus you should not expect it to have a good spread. If you are looking for moonlight, another worth considering will be Hagen Marina LED Moon Light, I like it over the Hydor due to price, versatility and also the brightness of the LED. HTH
  3. PC fans are good too, but you will need some modifications and wiring into a AC/DC Adaptor. I have used Nidec before, quite reliable.
  4. T5 is sufficient for most 2ft set-up unless you intend to have sps dominated tank.
  5. Bro, there is no hard and fast rule on how much you need to spend in order to keep sps. There are reefers who manages with less than 2k but there are others who after spending more than 10k. However, some basic you need to know about keep sps happy are: A good skimmer (1-2k for a decent size skimmer) Good circulation (Recommended 40x your tank volume) High intensity lights (MH, LED, VHO) Supplements (Ca, Mg, Potasium, Inverts food, etc) Reactors (Calcium Reactors, Fluidized Reactors, Sulphur Reactors) Test Kits (No2, No3, Ca, Mg, Po4, etc) Chemical Filtration (Phophate removers, Grunulated Activated Carbon) Stable Temperature no exceeding 29 degree (Large chiller) Wave Makers (Tunze, Hydor) Controllers (Controller wave makers, water top up etc) Good Salt-mix (With high Ca, Mg etc but low in Po4 and No3) Clean water source for top up and mixing (DI, RO/DI, Distilled) HTH
  6. Hi bro, Your LR and LS should contains some beneficial bacteria but they may not be enough to handle the new bioload, thus most people will introduce an ammonia source to propagate these bacteria to higher concentration to meet with the addition of livestocks (bioload). One of the way to introduce ammonia is to use market prawn. As the prawn decays, it will produce ammonia which will feed the beneficial bacteria which will start multiplying to deal with the influx of food. Another way is to dose ammonia to start the cycle - http://www.csupomona.edu/~jskoga/Aquariums/Ammonia.html HTH
  7. Agree. The most infamous case I remember is the tank in Paradiz Reef, his entire display tank was filled with purple balls!
  8. Hi bro, yes, tap water with water conditioner is safe to be used in FLOWR and some mix reef tanks. However, it may not be sufficient if you are trying to more sensitive corals such as sps which require pristine water conditions that is low nutrient in order to colour up. Thus, it is wise to 1st decide what you intend to keep and from there decide what are the equipments you need and the cost of running them. Because it will be foolish to think that if you were to get RO/DI water to means that you will be able to keep sps or a tank without nuisance algae, there are many contributing factors to the maladies we get in our tanks.
  9. Hi bro, If you intend to use Seachem Prime, I presume you will be using tap water and Seachem Prime as the water conditioner. As such, you do not need to get TDS meter. When using tap water and water conditioner, your TDS will not be zero, this is because water conditioner do not removes the dissolved solids from tap water. The function of water conditioners is to precipitate / bind chemicals and make it safe for aquarium usage. Just like boiling water will make it safe from human consumption but may not removes chloramines that will affect our fishes. You only need to use TDS is you are intending to use DI or RO/DI water, the TDS will let you know when the media is exhausted.
  10. Hi Yongshun, Here's my 2 cents: Beneficial bacteria multiply in accordance to the bio-load. Technically, if you have transfered all LRs and livestocks from your existing tank to a new tank within a short time frame, you should not trigger die-offs and therefore the bacteria colonies should be able to handle the existing bio-load. However, if you intend to add more new livestocks into the new tank, I would suggest waiting a couple of days or even weeks for the colonies to stabilized and for any fluctuating parameters to be corrected.
  11. Try a KDK Ventilation fan, the blades are made from plastics thus more suitable for marine, also KDK is the preferred brand in fans. http://www.kdk.com.sg/homeventilation/faq.html
  12. Long time never see your post. How's life?
  13. You may try contacting JBJ Asia Dealer if the shop is not responding. Aqua-Nautic Specialist Pte. Ltd. Plot T-9 jalan kayu Seletar West Farming 1 Singapore 2789 Tel: 01165-481-3366 Fax: 01165-481-4537 E-mail: mandy@aquanautics.com.sg
  14. Thanks for sharing, care to share more of your tank specs?
  15. Ok Sis I mean you are bro and she is sis.
  16. Wow! You are talented! Btw, my son's (Artemas) birthday is mid of the month (hint, hint).
  17. Hi bro, I would suggest you remove all hitch-hikers to ensure that you do not have 'questionable' livestocks that will plague your tank upon setting up as that would mean tearing down you entire tank. Crabs - most hitch-hikers crabs will cause some form trouble to benthic invertebrates in your efforts create a low nutrients environment suitable to reef tank. Flowers - if you positively ID them to be Aiptasia or Majano Anemones, removed them immediately! Pest anemones are hard to remove in a established system due to the fact that they will hide among hard to reach places that will leave the reefer with no choice but to tear down the entire tank. Thus do check your LRs properly to ensure that there are no potential pest to ensure you will have an easier life as you go along. HTH
  18. How I did for mine. Buy Compressor Buy Contactor / Relay Buy Titanium Coil Buy Temperature Controller After the above are ready, I just get a air-con contractor to do the necessary. The only tricky part is the wiring of the Controller, the rest of the things are "daily routine" for the air-con tech. HTH
  19. Hi bro, Herewith is my humble suggestions: 2ft system Try to keep fishes less that 15cm total length No open water swimmers Keep fishes that stay within a small area in a reef Examples: Gobies (Recommended - Amblygobius, Stenogobius, Elacatinus, Gobiosoma etc) Clownfish (Recommended - Ocellaris, Perculas etc) Grammas Cardinals (Recommended - Bangai, Panjama, Blue Eyes etc) Dottybacks, some can be highly aggressive (Recommended - P.Fridmani, P.Springeri) Damsels, some can be highly aggressive and large (Recommended - Chromis, Chrysiptera) Tangs for not good choice for smaller tanks. This is because they generally roam a large area on the reef and thus will not be able to get the exercise they need in a smaller tank. HTH
  20. Alamak, thought its yours.... sigh...
  21. Hi Lemon, thanks for the opportunity to view your swimming pool I mean tank yesterday. Camping here for more development.
  22. Yo, looks interesting and impressive didn't know its available in Singapore liao. In case I drift too far, I have started a separate topic with some burning questions.
  23. Dear friends, Got to know about This Product from FuEl and wonder whether: *) Are they available in Singapore? *) How much they cost? *) Anyone in Singapore used it before? *) Any comments? Herewith is an example FuEl has supplied: http://www.reefcentral.com/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=1300282
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