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Everything posted by Gouldian

  1. Hi guys, Looking for the above. Please PM me.
  2. I saw the price stated in your catalogue; very attractive!
  3. I got a pair African Flameback that I gave to a friend, should also be 9 years by now. But not sure its still there, last I check with in 2012 was still terrorizing his fishes.
  4. Cleaner wrasse was also called doctor fish as they are known to feed on dead skins cells / parasites on fishes. But do note that they are not able to handle ich or velvet outbreak.
  5. Ich are 0.5mm to 2mm and Valvet is about 50 micron thus I believe a 10 micron bag should be able to filter them. But I doubt that you will be able to effectively remove them from your system as these buggers will lay dormant in your main tank, LRs and sand bed waiting for an opportunity to strike. Personally, I feel that better ways of controlling diseases or parasites are through: 1) Good stocks 2) Good QT 3) Good environment, parameters in main tank
  6. My longest kept fish is 9 years, a pair of black ocellaris (female bought from Bawater and male from lck). Both of them still spawn regularly.
  7. I think Iwarna may still have some.
  8. The cheaper fasteners tends to break as they are usually made from iron/lead. Look for those that is meant for ships used, these are usually sold in the several hardware shop at King George, one of them is a few shop next to the Singapore Pools, so won't missed it.
  9. Go to King George hardware shop look for cable fasteners See below for the method to secure.
  10. Look carefully....for white spots....
  11. I think your sand was not wash properly, if you have washed the sand you will not have some much bubbles.
  12. Beside using as a Nitrate Reactor, it can also function effectively as a CR secondary chamber. Upz
  13. I bought mine from Iwarna.
  14. Agree, most important task at hand is to work with your tank maker to complete the project.
  15. Support timber ok without laminate. If it comes with laminates, I will be more worried as I will not know what wood the carpenter use. Some of the common hardwood used in Singapore. For our supporting frames, avoid Nyatoh and Meranti - http://www.hiapchuan.com/whywood.htm
  16. Is it just me, but looking at this pic, the cabinet seems slanted or something....
  17. They are super aggressive once introduced into our tank. I believe CW's territory is much larger than any typical tanks thus unless it is a proven pair, its hard to pair them in our tanks. Several attempts has been made to pair them but to no long term results, initially some feels that they are sexually dimorphic, i.e. male with golden head. I have tried and have failed. Without more proven results, I refrain from encouraging reefers to try to form pairs with CW. Let's not forget, CW was considered a "no no" fish to keep several years back and it was only the recent 5-8 years that we are having good results.
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