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Everything posted by Gouldian

  1. Spikefin Goby aka Discordipinna griessingeri, wow, its been quite a while since I see them being sold locally. Where you got them? Do note that you will need to keep a substantial pods populations in order to keep them alive. http://australianmuseum.net.au/BlogPost/Fish-Bits/Spikefin-Goby-Discordipinna-griessingeri
  2. Hi guys, Dunno what model as he bought it as a spare some time back but never touch water. It's definitely a needle wheel skimmer rated for 150gal tank. Height: 22 1/8 inch Reactor: 6 inch Similar to NW150 stated here but with the gate valve. Starting Price: $20 Increment: $5 Closing: 28/05/12, 09.30hrs Others: Seller reserve rights to call off bid, decision of seller is final and no recourse will be entertained
  3. We won't know whether your new one will be female but if you get a larger one it will be able to hold off the incumbent and therefore with time the larger one will morph into female and the smaller one will be male.
  4. From my experience, they will slowly developed into females but this will takes time. And usually females are start from 5cm.
  5. I have CS and FS that was with me more than 5 years. Not sure what is their lifespan but like you I suspect it could be due to the wrasse. Mine were slowly eliminated by my Bodianus sepiacaudus, I initially thought since the bodianus mouth is much smaller than my established CS and FS and thus no issue. It was until one day that I saw the bodianus in action, it pick on 1 particular shrimp by biting off its perieopods one by one to immobolize them and finally finishes them off. Since then I don't intend to keep wrasses except for cleaner wrasse or flashers in my tank. lol
  6. Yah, been trying to get price of e-shine. LED gurus where are you?
  7. Bro, what's the total cost? When will the order arrives?
  8. Btw, ocellaris also tends to be cheaper compared to percs unlike its the black ocellaris. Also, you can't tell whether they are male or female from just a look. Clownfishes are Protandrous hermaphrodites, they live in communities consisting of a dominant feamle, several males and the rest asexual. If the dominant female is removed, the next most aggressive male will moprh into female and lead the community. So the largest and most aggressive is usually females. With the size you mentioned in your earlier post, I don't think your current fish has fully developed into female but rather I suspect it is morphing to male. http://www.reefscapes.net/articles/articles/2002/hermaphroditism.html
  9. Like Jquek, I have been converted to DD due to its ease of usage, colors readings are well define and also good pricing strategy.
  10. Tank confirmed base on FCFS basis. I received 2 confirmations, mobile ...8289 is the 1st that confirmed and if he decides to pass, the next on line is ....4283. Thank you all for the supports.
  11. Actually false or true percs are just common names and does not have carry any significance. Amphiprion percula is commonly called percula or true perc and Amphiprion Ocellaris is commonly called false percs in this hobby to differentiate it from the percs. Most believes that the percs are slightly more agressive compared to the ocellaris however most also find that percs colours are more vibrant. I suggest to get another A. Ocellaris, If you have some spare cash, you may want to get the Aussie black ocellaris so that you will have higher chance of pairing them. Hope that helps. http://www.thereeftank.com/forums/f6/identify-true-or-false-percula-clown-86803.html http://www.liveaquaria.com/product/prod_display.cfm?c=15+1500+1114&pcatid=1114 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ocellaris_clownfish
  12. Your current is 3-4cm which is still pretty small. If I were you I will add a 5cm clown. Reason is that the existing one may be too aggressive for a 2-3cm new comer. Thus adding a larger one may even up the odds. Also, I don't think your existing one has morph to a female, it could have morph to a male at this stage. Hope that helps.
  13. Wow.... good to see your post! Hope all is well!
  14. I remembered Jake Adams brought one here during last Aquarama cannot remember which LFS he has pass it to.
  15. Updates: For those who have contact me on this, please note that we will make available for viewing and sale this coming Sunday 2-3pm at Block 698C, Hougang Street 52. FCFS.
  16. Just realized the link provided above is only the price of the controller.
  17. Think price is cheaper in Taiwan - http://www.pcstore.com.tw/yuputz_aqua/M05822041.htm Bro, since you are there, maybe can check out Taiwan Fish Street and let us know.
  18. Answers to some queries. Price: $80 with cabinet - Best Price Glass thickness: 5mm glass Can be used for Marine: Depends what you keep, fish only OK but with sensitive inverts will be challenging as you may need to drill tank to connect to sump, skimmer and chiller. Recommend to use as FOWLR or QT tank.
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