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Everything posted by Gouldian

  1. If you have already dose copper in your tank, I don't think 100% water change will do as your sandbed and LR will still leach copper upon setting up wrecking havoc to your system. That is why, it is prudent never dose cooper into main tank especially when you use full dosage. If I were you, I will discard all sand and LR and start from ground zero. Most disease can be prevented with: Proper set-up Proper stock selection Proper acclimation If you follow the above diligently, you will never need to treat your tank. That's how most of the successful reefers follow. Hope that helps.
  2. If its at the bottom the overflow compartment, you need not tear down. All you need is to siphon water from the overflow compartment can liao. Unless you do not have a overflow box with your overflow pipe. If you have a overflow box and the leaking is between the overflow bulk head and the tank, herewith what you do: Siphon water from the overflow box Remove bulk head Clean up the area, cut away remnants silicon Re-apply silicon Wait for 2 day Test with some fresh water Siphon fresh water Complete During this 2 days, all you need is to ensure sufficient flow, reduce feeding and lights, install a hang skimmer is available. Re-sealing your bulk head without dismantling will only cause you to have more problem in the long run. This is because, you will end up covering the entire area of the bulk head with the adhesive making it impossible for you to remove the bulk head in the future. As mentioned by another bro, you should call your tank maker, most tank maker are happy make good such issue.
  3. I have used the Digilab before and fine it quite reliable until the batteries are running low. I have revert back to refractometer as I find it a hassle to get replacement batteries.
  4. Hi guys, Looking for the above, please PM me if you have 1 for sale.
  5. Maybe your kena the same curse as me...... Cannot Post Photo of Tank Curse.
  6. Could it be the paly that was slightly above water surface. Pity, as those in the tub were very nice specimens.
  7. Yeah... ! Italian pump or Chinese pump - Italian of course.
  8. Supermarket is not cheap, if you want to get cheap Sodium B-Carb, you can try bakery supplies store such as Phoon Huat - these are food grade baking soda. However, for convenient sake, why not just get from our sponsors whenever you are there.
  9. Looks more like collonista sp. to me. Check out this article - Sun dials snails have very distinctive markings - https://www.google.com.sg/search?q=sundial+snails+zoanthids&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=oq_oUYroNYXKrAea1YGQCg&ved=0CAkQ_AUoAQ&biw=1280&bih=737
  10. Baking soda is just the common name for Sodium Bi-Carbonate bakers use them as a leavening agents, which means they are added to baked goods before cooking to produce carbon dioxide and cause them to 'rise'. Baking soda can also be used for household cleaning. For our application, baking soda is mixed with RO/DI or Distilled water to increase/maintain KH. Using baking soda (Sodium Bi-Carbonate) can cause the temporary drop in the pH of the tank. But tanks with sufficient water movement and aeration can easily equilibrate the drop in pH. You can also converts the Sodium Bi-Carbonate into Sodium Carbonate by heat and therefore reduce the risk of lower pH by spreading the baking soda on a tray and bake for 1 hour in the oven at 200°. Alternative is to just get Sodium Carbonate rather than Sodium Bi-Carbonate.
  11. It is best to do hyposalinity treatment is a hospital tank. Most organism cannot survive hyposalinity treatment is long term except for higher life (Fishes). I saw your other post on your powder blue and I suggest you remove your fish for hypo. Also, as some reefers has already advised, your tank may be too new and unstable to have fishes that are prone to ich. Hope that helps.
  12. We can only speculate Fluval is a Askoll pump from the build and also from the past relationship between Hagen and Askoll. Here's some background: Around 2009, many in US realized that Red Dragon is using motor block from Askoll and this causes many reefers to switch to Laguna pumps as reefers found similarity between the motor block of RD and Laguna. Askoll is one of the largest washing machine pumps manufacturer in the market. However, a reefer in UK wrote an enquiry to Hagen (parent company of Laguna and Fluval) and instead of claiming that Laguna pump is suitable for marine usage. Hagen representative replied that Laguna pump are not manufactured for marine usage. This email causes a stir as several reefers around the world already started using Laguna and have also wrote good reviews on it. As time passes there were many Laguna users reported pumps failures. It was later realized that Laguna pump are not manufactured to run out-sump and will high head that is required for a marine sump pump. Thus the pump electronic shut off the pump once the pump reaches a certain preset temperature. With this incident, Hagen gained respects from hobbyists around the world (including me). They could have claimed that Laguna pumps can be used for marine and quietly change their specs without anyone knowing but they chose to state in black and white that it is not manufactured for marine applications and risks loosing some quick bucks. Thus, when I learned that Fluval will be launching a pump made for marine sump application, I started to look out for it and at the same time read reviews of its usage in Europe and North America's forums and am pleased to say that it is reasonably good. I am also happy to learned that the price of the pump (Singapore) is very attractive compared to what is on the market now. The documentations and accessories that comes with the pump is ample compared to the China-made pump. In accordance to the reviews I have read and also from my personal experience, I find this pump is an affordable alternative to the China-made pump currently in the market. However, to be realistic, do not expect this pump to meet the performance of the top range pumps from Europe. I also find that their head-loss chart to be truthful unlike some brands whereby they just re-used head-loss chart from known brands.
  13. You may want to try JNS Bio-Pellets Reactor, saw them in actions recently - superb. http://reefbuilders.com/2013/04/01/jns-omega-biopellet-reactor-vertical-churning/
  14. Bio-sphere is also carbon source and I wouldn't use bio-sphere together with vinegar/vodka/sugar as you will only introduce too much carbon. Since, you already have bio-sphere, I will suggest you stop all form of carbon dosing to avoid overdose of carbon which will screw your tank up big time. I will also advise stopping all activities except for water change until your NO2 is zero and your NO3 is below 5ppm. Do this first and then slowly twitch other imperfections in your set-up.
  15. You can use any vinegar as long as its unflavoured, no preservatives and no coloring. However, I will not recommend using vinegar to kill aiptasia in your tank as the excess vinegar will wreck havoc to your tank parameters. Besides, I don't think your can eliminate aiptasia with just a couple of squirts of vinegar.
  16. You are right, Henry is one of the few pioneers manages to successfully keep CW! In my opinion, ML is also the LFS that have the highest success rate in CW.
  17. Yes, what you read was what we all believe many years ago. During that time, it was considered a sin to be seen buying CW. Until about 7-8 years ago, more and more reefers reported to have success with the CW. Now, it is no longer a surprising to see a healthy CW in a reefer's tank. I have a CW that feeds on pellets the moment it was introduced into the main tank.
  18. When you dose carbon source, your bacteria population will bloom thus you experience a low nutrients environment. However, high population of bacteria will also deplete O2 therefore suppress pH. So ensure good aeration to meet the O2 demands.
  19. Should be ok as they are usually found in higher nutrients area. As you have read, leather will release "toxins" preventing the growth of hard corals. So I wouldn't recommend you adding hard corals if you are having leather corals in a tank without skimmer.
  20. Neon Goby like cleaner wrasse also provide cleaning services to fishes thus can be considered. They are also reported to be hardier than the CWs.
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