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Everything posted by Gouldian

  1. Thanks for sharing...it's been a looooong while. Hope all is well!
  2. Assuming there is no die-off in your tank. Check your water flow and air exchange. Besides decomposition, low flow and low air exchange will depressed pH. Try to do test before and after photo-period to get better results.
  3. Is your QT tank parameters similar to the parameters of the water that the fish comes in? Assuming that the fishes you bought is free from disease, do you practice acclimation from the shipping bag to your QT? There are several treatments for the common ailments, please read the link information to know pros and cons: Copper Sulfate - http://www.fishyfarmacy.com/Q&A/all_about_copper.html Formalin - http://edis.ifas.ufl.edu/vm061 Praziquantel - http://fishdoc.net/articles/details.php?articleId=25 Hope that helps.
  4. I don't turn on skimmer during feed or adding additives. However, I will off my pumps when feeding corals or clams.
  5. I believe its a Philippines Lubbock http://www.liveaquaria.com/product/detailed_image.cfm?pCatId=376
  6. As per above, current retail price is $89.00. Self-collect Punggol Central. SMS 97730323 for fast respond.
  7. Beautiful! When you free for kopi?
  8. Fishes on the floor = Tank glass broke and fishes on the floor..... I dun think you want that. Anyway, you did the right thing by coming forward to ask whenever unsure and this will prevent you from making unnecessary mistakes.
  9. If you have the amount of LRs that I do, you wouldn't be picking them up and bringing them to the wave-maker. One wrong move and your fishes will be on the floor. LOL Glad you sort it out.
  10. I brush with a toothbrush my LRs periodically and more often when there are nuisance algae or detritus on them. As your tank is new, I suggest you brush your LRs frequently, This will help you rid any nuisance algae or for this case sand and also assist coralines to settle.
  11. Yo... sad to hear another old timer throwing in the towel. Hope to see you back again soon.
  12. MI are easy if you managed to get a already feeding specimen. MI are not tangs, they are the one and only species of the genus Zanclus (Zanclus Cornutus) they will initially classified under Chaetodon (Butterfly) but was later re-classified by Linneaus 1758. Unlike tangs, they are do not have the bony blades near the end of their tails. MI are omnivores and been known to consume large quantity of sponges. From my personal experience having kept 1 for 2.5 years, they are very territorial once established and will attacked any new laterally compressed fish regardless of species. A majestic fish will long dorsal.
  13. 400l/hr is in sufficient, the berlin needs 2200l/hr. If the piece that broke is not from the venturi part of the skimmer or the pump, it shouldn't affect the skimming.
  14. Red Sea Berlin is a venturi skimmer, what pump you used for the skimmer? According to their manuals, you need a 2200l/hr pump.
  15. This skimmer looks like Aqua Medic and should comes with a oceanrunner needlewheel pump. Do check whether your comes with it or has it been swopped. If it comes with, check whether it impellor is not stuck. http://www.marinedepot.com/protein_skimmers_aqua_medic_turboflotor_t1000-ap.html
  16. If the stomach is not sunken in, it should be eating something. Good luck!
  17. No, I have never used algae scrubber. Can share much on them.
  18. Dun sign... at least you know that I am also facing the same situation as you! Happy reefing bro!
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