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Everything posted by Gouldian

  1. Still looking, some loser pose as me to buy from macro. Reefers beware!
  2. Yes, that's what I want, please PM me collection details.
  3. 1st round out! Hehehe, some in the army will know the above.
  4. IMHO, the best way to ensure that your livestock does not have ich is not by dosing medications but through: 1) Proper election 2) Proper acclimation 3) Proper QT 4) Good water parameters in main tank If any of your livestock have ich and you need to treat it, you need to remove them to QT: 1) Increase temperature to about 29-30 degrees 2) Administer medication according to dosage instructions
  5. Where is the sea bass you caught? aren't you adding into your tank???
  6. Hi Guys, Looking the above please PM if you intend to sell. http://www.madpetz.com.sg/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=&products_id=95
  7. Oic, will stick with by S$8 3w torch I bought from a supermarket in Taipei. lol
  8. The purple dottyback found in Iwarna for $40 is indeed P. fridmani and if I am not wrong they are bred by Jun Kai and partner.
  9. You see - I old liao, we called it milmart and now you call it emart! Do you think the LED is 1w or 3w? I suspect that its 1w as 3w will be too bright for Military usage.
  10. Isolate the bully. If you isolate the smaller fish, you will not be able to re-introduce it in the future.
  11. Hmm, could it be the temperature climbs during the night as your air-con is shut after office hour? I had a planted tank in office previously with similar situation - livestocks were stressed in the morning and looks better in the afternoon and cycle repeat. In the end, I found out one day when I have to got back office at 2am, the temperature was 32 degrees before air-con is on! I finally address the problem by installing a fan to come on after the central air-con is off. Hope that helps.
  12. It is prudent to ensure the pH of your FW is similar to your SW before doing FW bath. pH swing may kills even the hardiest of livestock.
  13. Bro, this is also from MilMart? What's the price? Sorry I MR liao.
  14. I believe that could be distilled water rather than DI water.
  15. Mai tu liao, get a partner and join in the war!
  16. Most of us are familiar with The Great Barrier Reef or Raja Ampat. However, little is known about the Reefs in the Indian Ocean. A recent study by Coastal Oceans Research and Development in the Indian Ocean (CARDIO) suggests that the coral diversity is only 2nd to the Great Barrier Reefs and that it needs careful management and protection. Source: - http://www.plosone.org/article/info%3Adoi%2F10.1371%2Fjournal.pone.0045013#s3
  17. Using Pura too, i get the 1.4l tub and like the quality re-usable media bag that comes in the tub.
  18. Don't think so, CT are one of the more aggressive specie, they will sample of anything in the tank even wave-maker cover and wires when they gets bored. - http://www.inthetank.co.uk/fish-2/triggerfish/clown-triggerfish/
  19. I am currently using concurrently the below: Rowaphos, 2 table spoon in media bag placed in sump Lanthnum Chloride, self-mixed and 2 squirts every alternate days Utra-Live, 1 table spoon mixed into 1litre of distilled water every 3 days 300ml Phos - Untraceable using DD Test kit.
  20. Alternative is to use liquid iron base phosphate remover - Coral-Shop Dispo Phos. They are brought in by Reef Systems and are available in several LFS.
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