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Everything posted by Gouldian

  1. From what I know, how garlic works is after consuming the food soaked with garlic, the fish will have a coat protection from the gralic that repels ich. Thus I believe gralic do not kill ich but repels ich. Just like how we can repels our loveones if we go too close to them after eating garlic. Plus as we all know Ich is always present in the water and waiting to stick itself onto a stressed fish. So if you have a healthy fish feeding on garlic soaked food, the chances of getting ich is much lower.
  2. Actually the killer is the Chloramine. In the 70s our government only add Chlorine thus we can just aerate the water overnight and it will be safe for fishes. But nowadays, they add Chloramine. Thus we still have to treat the water before mixing or adding into our tank. The reason why we add Chlorine or Chloramine is to kill germs so dun blame PUB ok.
  3. My Torch and Hammer repond very well to my feeding of BBS and Zoos. You may want to try.
  4. Wah bro, I think you need more than luck to pull you through. First of all Chloramine and Chlorine will attack the gill of your fishes causing the gills to be less and less ineffecient and thus the fishes will die a slow death through suufocation. Although Chlorine will loose it effect after reacting with air for a period of time, Chloramine will not, thus we have treat our water before adding into our tank. Secondly, I still feel that it is not adviseable to change 100% water. This + your shifting of your rockworks will sometimes cause a 2nd cycling which will in create amonia & nitrate spikes which will be detrimental to your LS. Thirdly, 100% change will also stress your LS. With your LS already not doing well, 100% water change will stressed them further. Anyway, since you have already done so, I truly hope that all will be well. Good luck,
  5. By the way Anthias are Planktonic Feeders, as such they feeds of microscopics stuffs such as zoos, pods or even phytos. So I think it is appropriate for you to feed BBS, Rotifers, Cyplopeeze etc. There are some reefers that have effectively wean their antjias into BS, Mysis or even pellets. But I believe yours is obviously not ready yet. Also, please note that Anthias are intermediate fishes requiring more care. If you are a beginner, I suggest you read up more. All the best.
  6. BBS are perfect size alright . In fact it is adviseable to feed BBS rather than BS due to nutritional values. BBS that are within 24hrs are the most nutritious cuz they still have the egg sac wih them, as they grow into adult, they do not have much nutrient to sustain your LS healthily. Besides, BBS are readily accepted by both Fishes & LPS. That is why you see some of us dosing Selcon in adult BS to increase the nutritional values. Another option is to go for Rotifer. But they are much samller and thus much more difficult to hatch. The good thing is that you can buy live rotifer from our sponsor, Coral Labs.
  7. Sorry sold liao. Thanks to bro Spawns Thread closed.
  8. upz... wah so cheap still no one interested?
  9. I have never use Atman before thus I can't rate. But honestly, I would suggest you go for Artica or Teco if you can afford. If not go for those locally made such as Pacific Coo. For Pac Coo you may contact Cookiemunster - he is the online rep.
  10. Last week saw some at ML. Henry has paired them liao.
  11. After resized really dun look like hippopus liao. wonder what is it???????
  12. I dun think too much light is the reason. My Yumas thives at the 150w MH directly shown on it that it multiplied 3x its size everytime the light is on. Maybe you would like to show a pix of the placement so that it would be easier for the reefers here to advise.
  13. As above, I have a 2213 for sale for $35 self collect at Punggol or Bt Merah. Used for 1yr liao for Reef. Selling cuz using sump filtration liao. Photos will be available tomorrow. Cuz, last night just dismantale for washing.
  14. Yesterday, while I was scrubbing my tank, I accidently hit my hammer hard and causes several polyps to break and began floating around in the tank. Suddenly, my Hippo Tang, Flame, Purple Fire and Maroon charges toward the floating polyps and began feeding. In a split seconds all of them spat out what they have just consumme and began "coughing". So does it mean that Coral Polyps taste "BAD".
  15. This is the top view with the cover. Notice once the cover is on, only the center portion of the hatchery is exposed to light. This will lure the BBS to swin towards the centre whereby we can simply lift the collection cup in order to harvest the BBS.
  16. My Brine Shrimp Hatchery. Bought from Watercircle previously can't remember how much liao. This is the top view without cover. In the centre is a white strainer / collection cup.
  17. Looks hippopus to me too. Wah next time resize your image b4 you post leh.
  18. Most pods like to hide among the crevices of the LRs as such it is difficlut to see them if you have sufficient covers. Pods that appears in the open will not last long in a tank with fishes like Mandarins. My mandarin has been with me for 9mths liao and I have only seen it eating my mysis a few times only. So I guess the pods in my tank is keeping it alive.
  19. Ca 540 is quite ok. Especially if you have clams and sps. ;-)
  20. Oh forgotten, I also have a flowerpot too. Anyway, this is a pix of my happy family.
  21. Mine doesn't. I have closed brain, torch, frogspawn, plata and hammer. I guess, it is a matter of individual fish. Some does it and some just doesn't. I am glad my doesn't.
  22. As usual good things are hard to come by. Thus is it always good to build good relationship with some of the LFS, so that when they have some exceptional good ones, you can stake out at their shop the night before! Dun laugh, these kind of situations are quite common. I remember the time when I waited two hours in the middle of the night at CCK waiting for a shipment. Anyway, if you are not that choosy, you can drop by E Aquanature for a look at their Maxima. Happy shopping.
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