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Everything posted by Gouldian

  1. Sorry bro, but what are the steps in chronological order you take? Did you dechlorinate, aerate then mix?
  2. Actually before I entered into this hobby, I really feels that ppl who keep marine are "Killing Nemo". But when I entered this hobby, I realized Marine Hobbyist actually feels for the reef as compared to ppl who are not into the hobby. I was pretty upset when I saw some Marine Tanks is very bad shape which I classify as "Coral Graveyard". I feel that those ppl who condemn us are ppl who still have the image of Dead Coral Skeletons in a Tank with one Air-tube and a Pair of Clown. I know that we have quite a number of Scuba Divers here, what is your take on it?
  3. Bro, Cold Storage sure have one, you just go to the Japanese Dry Goods Sections. Only place I have hard time finding is some smaller NTUC.
  4. No lah, Just fold them so that it will feed the clip. Feel that the tangs enjoy better ripping through the Nori rather than bite sized.
  5. So bro, do you mean that if AT is feeding and happy, I should live with it?
  6. No harm trying what and if the Golden Angel dun eat, I am sure the rest of the tang will Chiong!
  7. Yah loh. What else to do. Bro, you also got Tang ah? Show your pix leh.
  8. That's why I say aerate dechlorinated water. The reason why we aerate is not to percipitate chlorine - it is because tap water contain very little oxygen and when you aerate it overnight after you have dechlorinate your water you will find that the salt will take shorter period to dissolve. Try it if you haven't.
  9. Hi Bros & Sis, I met up with a avid scuba diver last Friday during a business dinner. When he told me that he has been diving for more than 10yrs and that he frequently organize trip to Philippines and Carribeans, I thought I should keep the conversation going by telling him my hobby since I am not a diver. Upon my mentioning of my hobby, he put up a frown and commented that I am killing the reefs. He mentioned that "no diver in their right mind will have a marine aquarium"! Although I am not a diver, I know that alot of the bros & sis here are divers and I just wanted to have your comments. I thought by getting more people interested in Marine Aquarium, we are in a way creating more awareness and at the same time educating the public in conservating the reef. I feel that people will not protect the reef if they are only certain previledge people are allow to touch and see it only. Your kind comments please.
  10. Noticed most your LRs are boulders. If you are looking at adding more LRs, look for those that look like branches, they are light and will spice up the tank better than boulders. Just my 2 cents.
  11. Dun care whether it is white tang or dark tang. As long as no ich means Good Tang. Chairman Mao
  12. I'm not sure. But I just buy those Nori from the supermarket Japanese stuffs shelf. Cheaper this way.
  13. It is adviseable to aerate the decholrinated water over night before adding salt. If not you will experience what you are experiencing now.
  14. I have, but the AT simply refused to eat Garlic soaked mysis. It prefer to feed on Ulva and Nori. It will peck on the mysis after they have been "swimming" in the tank for 5 secs unlike the rest who will charge towards it, so I gather by then the Gralic would be diluted liao. Come to think of it, have anyone tried Garlic soaked Nori?????
  15. No choice lah. Really don't know why that fella chose to swim towards the sieo. Maybe decided to scrifice himself as I am controlling feeding cuz this tank is new.
  16. Hi bros, I have recently set-up a 3ft and am looking for any brother that can help to improve on my piping. What happen is that my 3 footer is a second hand pre-drilled tank which I am suppose to connect to a sump. As I am not technically inclines, I chose the easy way out by using rubber hose and would like some piping guru out there to help. With this I am experience water splashes when it overflows into my sump and also the '###### noise' is getting on my nerve. Of course, I am not expect the bro to do it for free. But due to the uniqueness of my tank, I hope the guru can drop by for an estimation before I confirm order. Please PM me if you are up to it.
  17. Mine although not Yellow prefers to be on a LR. I have tried to place it on the substrate but it did not open for a few days
  18. Well bro, That's is always the case. I struggled to convince a newbie to buy my CR Aquarium 2ft instead of a cheaper alternative and in end I lost. Anyway, from what you have mentioned, I know you have learn alot with this experience liao and I believe will be able to prevent those mistakes in the future. Good luck and all the best!
  19. Final Update. Lonfin Banded got caught by Seio 820 this morning - became food for my corals and shrimps.
  20. There is no best set-up. Just the set-up most suitable for the livestocks you wanted to keep. Thus it is a knowledge game. You need to research on the basic requirement of the LS you wanted to keep then set-up the type of tank suitable for it. An example will be if you like Bubble & Plata corals then set-ups with low current will be adviseable. But if you prefer SPS, then you will need high current, intense lighting & low bioload in order to keep them. But I must say that it is sometimes possible to have a complete mixed reef. But this will comes with lots of reading, trials and research. So have fun bro,
  21. Very nice yellow Gonio. Care to share where you got it from?
  22. Tank Dimemsion: Tank size 61.5 (L)x 35.5(W) x 48(H) cm Internal sump 61.5 X 12 X 48 Cabinet height 81.5.
  23. Actually it is a calculated risk loh, If if really nip my LPS then I will go into FOWLR. I have him with me more than 8 months liao, have morph into a male after 3mths with me. Now I am looking for a female to pair it. AT? Bo pain lah, Mrs always get whet they want, if not...........
  24. No it dosen't. Not even when I cannot feed them when I am overseas.
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