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Everything posted by Gouldian

  1. Could it be it is not acclimatised properly. Please also note that grammas needs to hide, which is cave, hole in LR or unused Coco worms shell. If you dun have any of it, you gramma will not last long. Advice shared to me by my SF breeder friend.
  2. This tells you what kind of cameraman I am.
  3. Guess I need a faster camera. My Ixus I dun have function to capture fast moving objects.
  4. White Feather Duster. Dun tell me it is bleached for have for 5mths liao.
  5. Your the best! Why didn't I think of that! Thanks Weileong.
  6. Yah loh. Sian ah, every day see the white spots of a black fish......
  7. Calcium percipitate happens when you mix water with salt or the water is mix with water directly from the tap. Thus, most literature reccomend the ageing (leaving it to aerate overnight) before mixing with your salt mixture. I am sure if you were to get your steps correct, the next batch will be alright.
  8. It is normal to experience coralines dying off during your initial phase. Just continue to maintain Ca, KH and sufficient lights and it will slowly grow back.
  9. Side view of my tank. Inhabitant having meeting to discuss who is the boss.
  10. Closed up shot of the ballast. I have used two piece of wood instead of a single to leave some air pockets. Used heat resistant wires thanks to the advise of Killfire.
  11. My rolls of DC fans. Got those that is 170mah so that I can conect to just one Handphone Charger.
  12. AT ah AT why you are the only one with ICH?
  13. 13/09 7.30pm - No sign of ICh in AT and all fishes. 13/09 10.30pm - Ich came back on AT but the rest of fishes - no ich. I and fed up with the stupid *&%$ ich, decided to dose 3oz of Kick-Ich against instruction! 14/09 8am - No sign of Ich.
  14. Hi Weileong, I have been trying so hard to get my AT eating pellets but to no avail. Whenever, I feed pellets the rest of the fishes will rush for it except the AT, it is just not interested, I am sure if it is interested, there is no fish in my tank that can compete in terms of speed and size. Any tips?
  15. Thank you to all the bros that responded. This goes to show we are not only passioante about our tank but also about others as well. Thanks a million.
  16. Good Idea bro. Will try it out. But will repeated on & off shorten the live of the Seio? If so by how much? If it is negligable, I am sure more will follow suit.
  17. Yah loh, in fact from what I know Julian Sprung and Eric Borneman are avid divers as well and they also write books and keep Marine Aquarium. That's why, I feel that I am not in the wrong and I am not ashame of this hobby.
  18. Can use for cycling. But I wouldn't reccomened to use it if there are precious live stocks in there.
  19. Latest Update: Tank - Still Available - Any Offer? E55 - STill Available - Any Offer? Quick Release - last two sets Reserved - Collection tonight 2213 - Reserved - Collection Wednesday Maroon Clown pair - Reserved - Collection Wednesday
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