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Everything posted by Gouldian

  1. Hahaha. Weileong and Roidan on Wanted List liao.
  2. Jiak lat, next time we will have two kind of tank specs. One underground one that we cannot let Tang Police know.
  3. If you arrest me that day, I am still within your limit. But next time, I dun know. ;-P
  4. Lucky man. If not next time see you at LFS, I run......... far........ far........
  5. bro, show more pix of your nigricans leh. you really go for those challenging ones that others dun even dare to think about.
  6. Yah loh. Too bad I wasn't the person in charge of liaising with our company's regular agency. If not, I will give them 'several' pieces of my minds with some 'french' to spare!
  7. Good tip that we can't find in books. Will have to start observing when Japonicus is in with Hippo.
  8. So 6ft = 7 tangs for you. For me, I will try 3ft = 4 tangs? Dun flame me! Just joking. Or is that possible??? ;-P
  9. Actually I will be taking Tiger Air this coming Nov. I feel that the below $1 are for only limited seats on limited days only. I for example paid $295 for a return ticket to Bangkok for departure 11 Nov. Where is the $1 deal??????? As for the service definitely not as good, even before I leave they already tell me that I have to confirm whether I am extending, if so, I need to pay surcharge! Not like SQ, you can decide 24hrs before as long as they have the seats. Anyway, I really hope their inflight service is OK cuz me bringing my parents who is first time taking plane. By the way, in SQ, we call the Stewardess Singapore Girls so in Tiger Air do we call them 'Tiger Girls' or Tigeress??????
  10. So bro, in your experience is Chevron's temperatment generally milder as compared to Sohal. Or it is a matter of individual fish?
  11. Varied Diet. Same as humans. You can try pellets supplemented with frozen mysis for both and some nori and macro algae for your angel. For pellets, I like Ocean Nutrition cuz got Garlic.
  12. But bro Roidan, Is your Sohal still so 'Pai See" or have tame down liao. I will soon have hippo and japonicus, will hope for an AT, I think that will be the most my system can take right?
  13. Yah loh, when I think of chevron, I think of your 'slashed' yellow tang. Dun wan that to happen cuz dun have your kind of space. hehehe
  14. Juv Koran white lines are almost straight while the emperor white lines are circle. Juv Emperor Juv Koran
  15. Very nice bro, saw one at Henry's but dun dare to even think about it.
  16. Will do. Keep you posted in Members Tanks and specs section. Dun wan to misused this thread wait kena warning.
  17. Will QT the way you have taught. Setting up and proper now. Tahnks for your advise bro. So how's your trip?
  18. Also, please note that OHP cannot handle too high a bio-load. So please refrain from adding two many LS. I believe you already have 3 damsels liao. If I were you, no more fishes liao, many just 1 cleaner shrimp and 2 feather duster.
  19. Yah loh, LR are very important in cycling. If you place the LRs in after your cycling you will trigger another cycling this time iniated by the LRs. Actually Damsels or any Amonia generator should come after LRs and sands. What you could do now is to add the LRs and collect 2 or 3 cups of live sand to seed your new sand. If you have no other place for the Damsels then leave it in your tank, but as Typrobin has mentioned it is cruel cuz the damsels are on the receiving end of the amonia and nitrite spikes.
  20. Thanks for the info bro. Must have taken you some time to do the necessary research. Appreciate it.
  21. Great Discussion! This is how the forum should be like, to provide as many options as possible with all the Pros & Cons taken into consideration and subsequently it is for the initiator to decide what he/she wants. Marcvelous, dun feel inferior lah. Joining date to the forum does not indicate your knowledge and willingness to share. It is your heart that counts.
  22. Yah loh, I saw the only two and asked Liew, he also forgotten about them. Maybe because they were placed on the top tanks at the front of the shop. I obviouly took the nicer one liao. Collecting tonight.
  23. Some Write-up between Nigrican & Japonicus, both commonly known as Power Brown but one is easy to keep while the other is difficult. Power Brown
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