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Everything posted by Gouldian

  1. How long you have been running your tank and skimmer? Normally it will take a week or so for the skimmer to break in. In however, you have been running for quite some time liao, you might want to shift the cup a little higher some more. Also, if you have run the skimmer for quite sometime you might want to clean the injector with the brush provided. Another common problem with Remora & Urchin is that you have to ensure that the skimmer is upright and not slanted. Once it is slanted the injector will not spray effectively, lift up the collection cup and see whether the area below the injector is foamimg white if not, tilt the remora slightly to see whether it is better. Once you have got the nityy gritty settled, your remora will be one of the best skimmer you will ever own in terms of performance and value for money. Cheers,
  2. All euphylia species are able to tolerate it others stings. These are Octopus, Frogspawn, Torch etc...
  3. wah bro, got interesting stuff must tip me ok. dun wait until no more than let me know - by than all i can do is drool
  4. Aqua C Remora churning out watery skimate means your setting is wrong bro. I am using Urchin, the skimate that I yield is almost solid!
  5. Hi Chinmo, Glad to see you back again. Hope o visit you one day. Cheers,
  6. Yah loh. I heard from Henry, the guy that bought the black tang and AT from him, remove all fishes from his tank so as to create a stress-less environment for his priced fishes. That what I will do too, after my 8 weeks.
  7. The AT tank is only 4mths. I guess this is another factor we have to consider too.
  8. Not sure bro. I think have to check with Henry himself.
  9. ML loh. Still have a few.....
  10. Well my personal experience is that AT DEMANDS the best of water quality. I thought since I have Zebrasoma and Hippatus in my tank for so long without any ich, AT will be able to survive. But I was very wrong. After I introduce AT for a week, AT started to have some white spots but the rest of the fishes is still without any ich. Second week, AT start to develop more ich and stop eating. It eventuallu sucumbs to ich and that when the nightmare starts - the whole tank infected including cleaner wrasse! Only solution - Dismantle whole tank, catch all fishes for hyposalinity treatment and leave tank fallow (fishless) for 8 weeks. So my advise is that if you want to keep AT or any of the delicate species, please be prepared to meet 'their' demand.
  11. That's why I recently paired my TUBBY with CM's Le Kalk Reactor.
  12. Then just wait till the cycle complete loh. Anyway, most algae can be controlled eventually when the herbivores are in - to the extent that your LR will be 'botak' from any algae.
  13. You can check it out at Coral Labs Forum or you can PM Cookiemunster. Here is the link. Coral Labs TUBBY
  14. Actually normally a MH bullb will last about 2500hrs (depending of manufacturer) which means about less than a year must change liao. Shifting of spectrum have not been documented to be the problem of clams dying. But it does whoever causes algae blooms. Normally, I will buy 2nd bulbs as spare.
  15. Diversity is the key. Although BBS is nutritious in certain aspect, it is definitely not a complete food. Also, not all coral are able to capture BBS.
  16. Sad to say it but that's is the only way to go. You have to remove all livestocks, let the tank run for 1mths and test all water params before adding your livestocks.
  17. Not sure but don't dare to try is the name is slightly different, always look for its chemical name. Baking Soda are Sodium Bi-Carbonate.
  18. Baking Soda or any additives cannot be added discrimately. For me, I only add 1 teaspoon per 1 Gal of water to buffer KH. I suggest you get some tests on your water params before you add anymore additives. Another point to note is that when you increase KH, your Ca will drop vice versa. Thus need to have accurate test to find deficiency before adjusting. Also, from what I know, Baking Soda can be use to buffer KH not increase KH.
  19. Yeah loh bro, you may want to contact Cookiemunster of Coral Labs for the Tubby. Recently, due to my overflow stuck, my Tubby's float switch was submerged and failed. I contact him and he came down within the week with a replacement switch. He replace one switch and told me the other is OK, he could have just replace both as I really would have not idea the other is working - but he did not. I strongly reccomend him. In fact, if the float switches was not submerged, the tubby will really lasts due to the quality construction.
  20. I agree with the bros here. It is prudent for us to keep fishes based on our ability and tank conditions and not discrimately keep livestocks just for the thrills. Bro Weileong and Roidan would know the heartbreak I feel when I lost my AT. In fact, I will always remember both my loses and the reasons they died and will NEVER repeat the same mistake again.
  21. Thanks for the reminder! My second AT did not make it too. I will have to go back to draw board to recreate another ideal situation for them But that will be another 8 weeks time.
  22. Besides Sailfin, you can try Purple and Yellow Tang. The cheapest is Yellow Tang (+ - $20). Most LFS will carry them, they are quite common.
  23. UV reserved by Rus** for collection tonight.
  24. Aiyah Sis, being the rose among the thorns is always like that one la. Anyway, as long as they are just teasing you with no ill intention, it should be alright la.
  25. Are you referring to Bubble Algae aka Valonia? If this is the case, by bursting them will only propagate them and believe me, they can really spread to catastrophic proportion. According to Robert Fenner, Sailfin Tang will readily consume tham and keep them in check. Good luck.
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