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Everything posted by Gouldian

  1. I don't have a chiller too. Only fans..... I have 1 x 250w 10kk MH with 2 x Actinic T5s. The high evaporation is ok with me.
  2. If you observe closer you will know that the walls are separate just like your pic. Just that the polyp has expanded.
  3. Bro, I think it is a Favia instead of a Favites cuz Favites share coralites wall while the Favia have separate walls. But both also called moon coral.
  4. Sorry Kokhui Anyway here's the tong incident I was referring.Tong
  5. Hahahaha William, next time let you smell my tong....... You really remind me of the incident again.......
  6. What you outlined red is receeding tissue.
  7. Its a very hard decision to make since it as a gift from some one. Try to observe some more loh, if it deteriorates further than "boh pian" throw loh, since your tank is still pretty new and might not be able to handle the die-off.
  8. Corals expel zoos for many reasons. But as we all know zoos are algae with sybiotic relations ship with corals. The zoos get a safe place to adsorb lights to be converted into food for themself and also its host. Expelling zoos could mean the corals is stressed, shock or the water params is different from what it is used to. If this is the case, the coral will look limp and will not open very much and slowly dies. Healthy corals also expel zoos, they did it as a renewal process. Getting rid of the older zoos and welcoming newer zoos. When this happens the corals will usually be more vibrant after that. I got a nagging feeling that your coral is not acclimatized fully causing it to be stressed and expel zoos. The only thing you can do is to ensure that it is not further stressed both by yourself or any other factor such as fishes or even water params.
  9. If you depth is not more than 1ft. 4 t5s is just nice. But make sure it is the real T5s not those China ones.
  10. There is two scenario: 1) Frogspawn is spawning 2) Frogspawn is expelling Zoos
  11. Hi there, First of all if yours is a shrimp goby than it is normal for them to be dwelling at the bottom part of your tank. Wrasses, they are one of the biggest family of fishes in the ocean. It again depend on what kinf of wrasse you intend to keep. The cirrhilabrus are a good species that are not detructive and yet beautiful. I would suggest you post a pix of the goby you are having now so that we could ID it. Also, never buy anything from any LFS if you aren't sure: 1) What it feeds on 2) What is it maximum size 3) What is its commmon names
  12. That's you only... Imagine me trying very hard to hide the whole situation from my PDH! Although very "Kan Choeng" But act cool so that she don't ask to many question.
  13. The tong...... still with me, anyone wants to borrow??????
  14. Correction: Anyway, the reason I share this story is not to complain that Corals Labs reactor is no good but to share the ease of maintenance of the reactor and of course my carelessness.
  15. Yesterday morning, I hand itchy decided to dismantle the Kalk Reactor for cleaning although it is not due. Did it straight after i after I get out from bed cuz, planning to go Parkway for breakfast then go to Fuel's place to collect stuffs he has sold to me. Its dismantling is easy, no tools needed. Just unscrew the 4 nuts fastening top section to the bottom section. Don't know what's the bottom section called. Anyway, it where the circuit board and wiring is. Coral labs has allowed the top section to be remove for cleaning and even washing without worrying about damages to the circuit boards for even worse electrical shocks. After the top portion is separated, I took it into the toilet to be washed. Removing the top cover for the top section is even more easy due to the wing nut. As it is not due for cleaning yet, I have still lots of Kalk at the bottom of the reactor, thus decided to pour everything into the toilet bowl and say bye bye to the remnants kalk with a flush. Less than 5 mins! Easy does it. Happily assemble Kalk Reactor, add kalk and water. Job finished even before wife has finished changing! Pack up and went for my breakfast and to Fuel's place. After Fuel's place decided to detour to Pasir Ris to check out any new shipment - nothing worth mentioning. It is now 2pm and as I was reaching my place, I suddenly remembered "MAGNETIC STIRRER"! Oh my god! I have forgetten to remove the stirrer from the reactor before I pour and flush it down the sewage! Oh sh#t......... I quickly park my car and went straight to my block, Partime Domestic Helper (PDH) waiting for me and follow us up my flat. Before I can place my shoe properly and rush to the toilet, PDH is already in there. Paiseh to ask her to "stop changing and wait for the owner of the house to search the toilet bowl"! I quickly sms CM (lucky, I stored he number on my mobile), he promptly reponded that all he has no spare stirrer due to the back orders. Oh sh#t again and again! Suddenly another sound of flushing. Oh sh#t, sh#tty sh#t sh#t Once PDH is out and started cleaning the house I quickly goes into the toilets and try my best to look for the stirrer. Peer and peer, stare and stare. Wasn't sure but saw something white in the almost white bowl. Decided to risk it............. No I did not dipped my hands in..... . Took the long prong used for arranging LRs to try to grab it. After a few attempts, YES! the stirrer was not flush away...... Heng ah. Anyway, the reason I share this story is to be say that Corals Labs reactor is no good but to share the ease of maintenance of the reactor and of course my carelessness.
  16. It is adviseable to wash you sand before adding into you tank. After you have washed the sand, you have to go through the sand with a strong magnet to pick out any metalic stuff that may be detrimental to your livestocks. Even after the above process, you water will still cloud but will settle in a few days.
  17. Dear reefers, Not sure what is it, can anyone help? Its the iitem in the middle of the pix in between the mushy and the zoos.
  18. Never have moving water in your room! Unless you "bazi" can take it. Most people cannot wan. Best place in the living room.
  19. Its my pleasure. I learned alot from the experts here too and would like to share with others too.
  20. Personally, I prefer the German & American made ones. Not because I am brand consous but because they are built to last and they are good to the last detail. There are also alternative China made ones that are selling at very competitive prices. For 2ft set-up, my personal favourite will be 1) AquaC Remora or Urchin 2) Kent Marine Nautilus Te 3) Schuran Jetskim 4) Prizm
  21. You can get from most LFS. The popular are SeaChem Garlic Guard and the Kent Marine Garlic Extreme. Personally I have used both but prefers KM Garlic Extreme. I have also tried buying Garlic pills from Pharmancy but don't quite like the results - too oily.
  22. Most beginners are advise to start with FOWLR first cuz when you have any disease outbreak, you can still dose medication. But when you have a mixed reef, you will not be able to dose proven medication but to tear down the whole tank, fish out all fishes for hypo-salinity treatment in another tank and at the same time keep your tank running without fishes for minimum 6 weeks. During this 6 weeks, you will stare helplessly at the macro algae bloom. (Read the thread in Disease and Treatment) Thus, invest on a good skimmer and start with FOWLR. At the meantime read up as much as you could and save up for the lighting.
  23. SPS = Small Polyp Stony - Generally fast growing but very demanding in terms of husbandry. Try only when you have success keeping LPS LPS = Large Polyp Stony - Generally easier to maintain although still needs to have some basic parameters satisfied. If I will you, I will go for a good skimmer first, forget about the lighting, start with Fish Only With Live Rocks (FOWLR). During the FOWLR time, I will save money for my lighting. I will also be able to slowly learn the dos and don't first before endeavouring into corals. Cuz once you are into corals, you will have more parameters you need to monitor.
  24. Hi, it depends on what you trying to keep. If you are thinking LPS, SPS or anemone, you will need MH. If you are thinking of only fishes, then your proposed lighting will suffice. Under $100 quite difficult leh, the closest is a 2nd hand Prizm hang-on loh. If not get the Weipro or Macro loh.
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