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Everything posted by Gouldian

  1. Bro, sad to hear about it. But learn from this lesson and try to read up more, especially literature written by Robert Fenner, Eric Borneman and Julian Sprung they are well known for their great advises. In Marine, never get any livestocks is you are not sure what is its name, what is its husbandry and what is its relationship with your current livestocks. What you should have done is to find out what are the characteristic of Banggai even before you have the conotation to buy. All the best!
  2. never bother to timed but all i know is that during my few hours (7hrs) at home in the evening it only kicks in less than 4 times. heard from petmart that extrema is being phased out - dunno true or not cuz the boy at Eaquanature told me still got.
  3. I used the Sicce Idra - flow rate max at 1300l/hr for my Cl650. FR - Dunno cuz I dun use them.
  4. Bro, why don't you get it customized at the shop at Kelantan lane? The price ranges from $50 to less than $100 depending on the size, number of compartment and complexity.
  5. Good luck bro! Good to see your zeal is coming back!
  6. Actually most Cardinals are nocturnal minute invertebrate eaters - that's why they have such a large pair of eyes. As such, they will generally take small pieces of mysis, zooplankton, cyclopeeze, bbs or even shreded shrimp. But try to feed tham after light-off when they are more active. I feed all my fishes and corals once before first light and once after last light! Soounds familiar?????
  7. Like all fishes in Marine, it is adviseable not to keep pairs unless you know that they are bonded pairs. If not you will usually end up with one. If you intend to pair them ensure you gave them space, time and extra vigilance in case they cannot get along. I have tried pairing Maroon successfully - one of the more aggressive clownfish. But have decided against pairing my banggai due to the fact that it has been in my tank for so long to the extend that it will not tolerate another banggai. Sometimes even a reflection of itself will cuz it to becomes agitated to the extend that it will making the typical growling sound that can be heard even 3 ft from the tank!
  8. I understand how you feel Marble but the key to a sucessful Marine Hobby boils down to one word - - - - Patience. If you go to the disease and treatment forum, you will know how much time reefers are willing to go through when some disease strike! Wish you all the best! And remember, not all advises given are good advises! Some people are just 'clocking post' ie posting as much as possible at the shortest period time so that their status bar will go up!
  9. Also, most Cardinals are Nocturnal, which means that they are more cative at night. So try feeding it after lights off. Lets presumed that your Banggai is not accustomed to pellets. Ypu could trying entice them with Zooplanktons (Kent Marine ZooPlex, Chromaplex or even some dried Zoo Plankton) or Cycopleeze or BBS (Baby Brine Shrimp). Hope this help.
  10. If it is a pistol then pair it with s shrimp goby lor. It will definitely calm the PS down better since now he has a pair of 'eyes'.
  11. Hi Rumor, Missed this kind of detailed review for very long liao. Great to have you doing it too! I have tried Oceanic too and I kind that it works better if I matured it longer than usual ie 3-4 days instead of the overnight! The PH reads 8.2 - 8.3 (3 days) on my Pin Point Monitor as compared to 7.9 - 8.0 (overnight). I mixed salt with tap water decholrinated with Hagen Nutrifin. I believe the maturing of the mixed water releases the Ca and Kh to the optimum levels.
  12. Hahaha, but you are not a bad as Bak from LCK110 right? I always disturb him by getting a pink cynarina and claiming that it is green! But he knew I was doing it for fun thus always play along until the payment stage - of course I paid the pink price lar!
  13. Hi Marble, I apologize for being sarcastics. But I need you to realized that for all those posts to request for help, there are some genuine advises given but you chose to ignore and follow a more convenient way out.And you have done so in 2 earlier posts. So what will happens is that you will slowly received lesser and lesser advises. This is something you do not need especially when you are at the beginning of your hobby. I am no expert myself, I am still learning from the seniors here, and I really hope that you will benefits from joing us rather than after you experieneced a tank crash you gave up this hobby without knowing what went wrong. Will all due respect, Gouldian
  14. The key to the survival of Banggai is acclimatsing. If you are keen in keeping Banggai, after the floating bag thingy you have to slowly mixed the aquairum water to the bag water. You can ran a search on how to properly acclimatise marines fishes and follow the one that is the most troublesome and I am sure you will succeed! Once they are properly acclimatised, they are a hardy fish that will last. My have been through several hypo-salinity treatements in my efforst to eridicate ich! Wish you luck!
  15. Actual date of set-up 17/12/04 Actaul date of adding anemone 04/01/05 I think we are still in the 60s, still think that cycling can never be able to complete within 2 weeks! Not to talk adding stocks within 2 weeks!
  16. Which means you hves added your livestocks on the 2nd weeks? And from your earlier post the in the invertebrate forum, you have also kept an anemone on the 3rd week - no wait a minute - if this week is the 3rd week and that post on the invertebrates forum was last week it means you have kept the anemone in your tank on the second week itself! Bro, I think are are far more advance than us liao. Hope to learn from you one day on your miracle of a 2 weeks cycling period!
  17. Besides when you friend told me that he is willing to do bank transfer immediately, i rejcted cuz it is not fair for him. As a seller, I oso want the people who buy from me is convinced that the product is worth his $$$ before taking his $$$. Not the other way around. I hope you understand. But if you have any further queries or suggestions, please feel free to contact me direct on my mobile. Thanks for your feedback.
  18. I oso headache ah. I oso want to be transparent. As explained earlier to ur friend, it is only fair that we have a common viewing on wednesday 8pm and being the first reefer I have committed to, if you are there on time, of course you will be the first one to select. And if you dun like it, they will be another on queue. This, I find is more transparent as compared to me arranging for people to come down at different timings. Oso, if all were to come at the same time, you will oso be able to know why the first guy rejected the offer. Is'nt this more transparent? But as mentioned if you are not around on Wednesday night, I will of course give the opportunity to another bro. I hope you can understand the reasoning. I am trying to avoid the unhappiness that has happened recently.
  19. No lah, the violet ones are hard to come by. In ML you can only see it is Henry display tank!
  20. 1 x SE 250w MH with 20kk bulb selling for $60 reeferguy - reserved Victron set, used for 5mths , normal reflector, heat resistant wiring, plug and play, size of entire set: 17.5" (L) x 12.5" (w) x 7.5 (H) 2 x Aquaz T5 reflector selling for $15 for 2 Used for 3mths, 3ft 1 x AC cooling fan (Profantec type) selling for $10 sold 12cm x 12cm, used for 3mths 1 x SE 250w MH holder only selling for $10 Used for 5mths, Victron 1 x Eco Aqualizer S55 pre-filter selling for $30 Used for 7mths, able to treat up to 55gal, Webpage All products in good working orders. No pixs - sorry Already priced to sell - no bargaining please. Kindly PM for collection details
  21. Gouldian


    Hi guys, I have arranged with DE to test on this Epoxy on my tank's leakage problem coming Saturday. Will post after the "test of fire". Thank you once again Dr Evil, you have been one of the most helpful senior I have ever met. Although you could have left the problem to me to solve by myself since it is of no fault of yours but it was obviously on your mind that you call be at 8+am the next day although we finished our stuffs at closed to 1am the night before to voluteer your solutions. This goes to shows that you genuinely care and have interest in all aspect of your customers' tank! Thanks again, see you this Saturday.
  22. Its been a month since using the new kalk reactor. I have not been manually topping up kalk at night since day 01. I have only dose Reefez Calcium up once and Tropic Marine Tripe Buffers also once in this past 4 weeks. Calcium range: 400 - 410ppm - 4 tests conducted so far with Tropic Marine Test kit KH range: 10 - 11 dkh - 4 tests conducted so far with Tropic Marine Test kit PH: 7.8 (night) and 8.2 (day) - Pinpoint PH Monitor with probe on sump Regards,
  23. No worries, will contact you if no sale is made on Wednesday.
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