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Everything posted by Gouldian

  1. No problem! get ready to sell off all your livestocks so that you have $$$ to buy diapers!
  2. The choice is clear........... Tri-color rics
  3. I will keep that in mind. Next time I see them again, sure get for you!
  4. OIC one big group you have..... Thanks for the compliment on my wife. Yah expecting my first - its a boy.
  5. Didn't know that there is another guru at the north east! Hope to meet you too.
  6. Didn't know you were there as well. Aiyah missed the opportunity to shake your hands.... Next time must jio ah since you have all our numbers. Anyway, heard west and north actively met together, what about north east???
  7. I never "took" I "buy". Yeah I am the crew cut guy with a camouflage short together with my pregnant wife. Which one are you?
  8. Ha ha! Will grab one tomorrow and let you guys know whether it pass the water test!
  9. Just realized that my camera cannot show colours correctly whenever I take without flash here's the proof. Tank pix with Flash
  10. Got a Red Trachy from AA today - Reasonably priced.
  11. Golden Angels???? DA and WL keeping Regal and now Rav & Roidan keeping Golden Angel! You guys really enjoy challenging yourselves to the limits!
  12. OIC, So I presume you dun believe in FengShui. By the way, saw you post regarding the CL650 erratic turning on and off, I am experieneceing it too today. The temp was 30 degrees and the chiller still diam diam and after 5 minutes then it run like hell!
  13. That's why lah..... I remebered he once told me he is tempted to install webcam on his tank so that he can constantly check how his fishes are doing. Salute man!
  14. That's the thing about the Acanthurus species, once you add one it is very difficult to add another without some fights. That's why, I dun have the courage to add although this batch were beautiful. Actually SL have one very nice PBT too.
  15. Hi Lizard44, I am just wondering: 1) How can you determine when a tank is fully cycled? 2) What makes you think that your Flame is "Stupid", do you think that there is a possibilty that it might be telling you something? 3) What do you think is the cause of the stinking smell? Do you think it is normal? 4) Is it possible for you to show us an actual picture of your tank rather than I guessing? Hope you could answer the above questions. Thank you.
  16. Hi Mel, was at Sealife this afternoon too. Saw the Japonicus, beautiful, no wonder you can't lay your hands off it. Maybe you can try putting a mirror to re-direct the aggression, works for me previously when I introduce tangs.
  17. No worries. Sorry to hear about your tank. Anyway upz for your sale! Let me know if I am selected.
  18. Bro weileong, I am speechless..... Really have to drop by your place once a while to have some lesson!
  19. No lar. Maybe because I can't stand them kena con by some people, people that are just trying to clock post numbers. I already cannot collect liao cuz my Pistol is now the king of the fuge I intended to add the gress and have so far claim 1 kill! So boh bian have to wait till I trap that bugger!
  20. Actually someone PM me just a couple of days ago to ask me what is the difference between Goniopora & Xenia. Although quite surprised, I still answered that person's query. But what really make me jump from my seat this afternoon is to see that same person giving incorrect advise in this thread! Anyway, I hope the new reefers here can differentiate the good advises from the bad advises. All the best!
  21. They are cheap and reliable too. I got my sump custom there too. But too bad they dun have lobang for cabinet thus they always reccomend metal stand. Overall their service is good and especiallly the old man, very helpful.
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