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Everything posted by Gouldian

  1. 1) How can you determine when a tank is fully cycled? i noticed my LS no longer dies. in fact, i have zero mortality for old LS so far, except for a jawfish, just bought yesterday (another story, i will up-speed later). my water is green in color (i have no skimmer and lights). so i believe some phyto-planktons are in town. on closer inspection, there are numerous white dots moving around the tank (pump stopped). my flame angel has not fed but its fins have recovered and stomach no longer flat. but, i don't know what it makan. all my red algae were gone, now replaced with green hariy ones. the glass looks super clean and "grapes" caleupa is growing again. my hairy caleupa is growing like mad, it has now colonised a large part of the sand even. all my prawns, hermit crabs anf harlequin have changed skins. all my damsels are feeding like pigs. so in conclusion, i think the tank is more or less cycled. Dear Brother Lizard44, do you know that you are very far far far from truth when you said that if your LS doesn't dies it means your tank is cycled? Your tank can only consider 'cycled ' after you have tested '0' in Nitrite and Amonia consecutively for a few days. By the way do you have test kits to begin with? If you have tested your water, you will know the kind of trouble and stress you have put your LS in by now!!!!!! Green water is for Koi tank - not for marine tank. If you have watch documentary on the ocean where there are reef fishes, you will realized that they are consist of super clear water that provide you visibility of more than 50m! With your green water the closest environment you have simulated is the coastal waters - have you ever seen Flame Angel or any other reef fishes except Damsels in this kind of water??? So what are you trying to do to your fishes now???? 2) What makes you think that your Flame is "Stupid", do you think that there is a possibilty that it might be telling you something? maybe you are right. the flame angel now swims all over and doesnt hide anymore. so the stucking is due to stress. thanks. You still think that you are doing the right thing?????? 3) What do you think is the cause of the stinking smell? Do you think it is normal? it is quite normal whenever a LS dies. so i guess the cycle continues on and off. For you info, it is "Not Normal" for you to experience foul smell! 4) Is it possible for you to show us an actual picture of your tank rather than I guessing? i will try. just got a digicam, testing out its pictures. upz Please do it ASAP!!!!
  2. If your LR used to be Purple and now its white it means that your Coralines is either bleached or dead. 3 reasons: 1) Water Params is out - check kh & pH 2) Sudden increase in intensity of light - will recover 3) Predation from tangs / urchin - remove
  3. Nice Horse-face! Seems to have sattled down well!
  4. Wanted to test the lazy man way. Anyway, I have since done the following: Plaster another piece of Epozy on the back of my Echino and bring the new Epozy with the Echino to adhere with the dried Epozy on the LR. It works and within 2sec I let go my hand and go about doing my other stuff. With come back to it tomorrow.
  5. You too, thanks for your guidance...... Yours even better, very nice combination.
  6. Thank you bro, couldn't have done it without you.
  7. Let me join in the fun too....although my cam does not do justice to it.
  8. Now, for the next step, i will try to stick the Epozy underwater directly on a LR. I have tried it many times with other brands but usually end up on the bottom of the tank once I release my pressure. I chose a piece of LR with some filamentous alage and deritus to see whether it can stick. I guess I was to ambitious - it did nit stick as with other epoxies. But unlike some epoxy that will quickly hardens and thus becomes useless, the Epozy can still be kneaded under water! After several attempts of kneading applying and kneading, I notice the epozy have pick up most od the deritus on top of the LR and thus begining to stick on the LR rather than my hand. All this was done on just the same piece of Epozy totally underwater. For it will soften if you knead it a couple of more time and will be 'sticky' again and imagine the amount of deritus it has pick so that the bare suface of the LR is exposed! Within 30sec, I am able to stick the Epozy on a piece of LR without prior scrubbing to remoce deritus. Will check back later.......sty tuned folks
  9. Henry brought in some last week but all of them are adults liao the ranges from light brown to almost black. Didn't dare to buy cuz they remind me of some Alien movies. Anyway, the colors of yours is so nice, maybe because it is still young.
  10. but what happened to the last one? managed to recover?
  11. Knowledge cannot be measured by time. All of us still see tons of nonsence daily from reefers who claimed to have years of experience. It all boils down to the fact that the person is willing to learn and to be taught. And you my brother is one of the no nonsence one. Me, I am taking it as a strides loh. as the Chinese always says "Chuan Dao Chiao Dou Zi Ran Zhi" The boat will straighten itself once it reaches the dock! By the way, who is that Cyna without Skeleton?
  12. BLV 10kk supplement with 2 x T5s. Dunno is it the cam. boh bian la, me cannot bring myself to get another cam....
  13. Next time bro, will definitely call you. ;-p Anyway, I go Great World very often....
  14. Took it out from its packaging, the smell is stronger than Deltec. Kneading it is much simplier and although like the Deltec, there are some remants sticking onto hands but due to the fact that it is white, it is not so offensive. Handles like Deltec in water, have to clean the surface from algae and slime and hold for the minimum of 20sec before you let go. In order to be more effective, I took the small lobo frag and gorgonian frag from the water, clean and dry the lobo skeleton and the small rock for the gorgonian and apply the Epozy. Once they slightly adhere, I immediately place them into the intended place and hold for 15 to 20 secs and just leave it to cure. Overall, I feel that it is well worth the $$$ cuz it function just as well as the Deltec but cost a fraction of the price. Plus the fact that it does not paint my fingers purple! I will get them again.
  15. No wonder... Last time I was at Great World Handy Fix, I was wodering why you buy so much Loctite, i thought you are into sniffing. Anyway, was to shy to introduce myself to a guru like you.
  16. Ay bro, you still haven't tell me which one is you yesterday at AA.
  17. Grab one liao. The feel of the epoxy is good - does not stick to the plastic it comes with unlike the Deltec. The problem with Deltec is it comes in two part and the purple part always sticks to the plastic wraps causing wastage! Aslo during kneading the purple colour will stick on our hands thus give me the feeling that it is does not bind well with the hardener well. The Aquaz Epozy Fix have cleverly pre-mixed the white sticky part inside the green hardening part so that its messy and stick on our hands and ensure easy mixing. Stay tuned.......
  18. The important role Foraminfera play in the ocean. Foraminfera III
  19. Another read on the above Foraminifera II
  20. Just got myself a leopard wrasse to control pyramid snails - just in case i have them (Kiasu). Anyway, while I am checking on different literature regarding what the leopard wrasse feeds on besides pyramid snails, I discovered something that I have neglected - Foraminifera. In the book of reef fishes of the world, it listed a couple of wrasses feeds on foraminifera and leopard wrasse is one of them. Alot of us are familiar with Pods, phyto and zooplankton but what the heck is foraminfer! After a couple of read, I realzed that they are abundant in the oceans and totaled around 4000 species! It is also a great source of food to planktonic feeders. Here is the most detailed info I have found so far Foraminifera. Hope this will help us all better understand our wonderful hobby.
  21. It should be a Leptocephalus Prawn-Goby Cryptocentrus leptocephalus Range: Malaysia & Indonesia, Max: 10cm. Upz for your sale.
  22. I will be watching this space for the rics you bought today. Don't disappoint me, my wife and my son.....
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