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Everything posted by Gouldian

  1. I still believe that Hypo will eradicate ich, but after hypo if you made a mistake of not QTing your new arrivals for 2weeks, you will still re-introduce ich into the tank again. This is exactly what happened to me, after hypo, I let one fish into the tank without proper QT and a few days later, ich re-appear. That's is why I decided to try Salifert.
  2. It did control the outbreak but it did eradicate.
  3. Well for me, it did not completely stop white spots but controlled them to the bare minimum. However, I recently ran out of it and was too busy to get another bottle. Guess what???? ICH ###### resurface and took my 2 x Kole and 1 x AT. I am now still mourning the deaths. Only tang left is Purple Tang who is still struggling too, dunno when I will see it laying on the substrates. All other fishes are healthy and without any signs of white spots except PT now.
  4. Wah must try leh!!!!!! Aquaz: Informed us when they arrived ok. ;-)
  5. Hi KokHui, If your Chiller and Skimmer requires about the same flowrate e.g. Chiller requires 1500l/hr and the Skimmer requires 1200l/hr, you may get a 3000l/hr Pump T-off to both equipment. But bear in mind to take "Head Loss" into consideration when you T-off. For me, I dun bother myself with the Calculation of Head Loss, I just used the next bigger size pump to overcome the head loss. That's why if you add the example I have given above it totalled 2700l/hr and I used a 3000l/hr pump to drive them.
  6. Aquamart is the authorize agent in Singapore. They are located along Jalan Besar, you have to check yellowpages for the exact address as I only know how to go there.
  7. Aquaphos is by another company. Aquaz PO4 remover, I have not seen yet.
  8. Hawkfish are known to feed on invertebrates and Copperband are known to be used for the controlling of Aiptasia and Bristleworms. None of the above have been known to feed or even hunt on Nudibranch.
  9. Wah your purple tang down with ich ah, so have your tried treating it??? I find that we are always fighting a losing battle with ich.
  10. Better put on some winter clothing if not you will look like your avatar liao.
  11. Yah we are gangsters and we are trying to recruit you! And Henry is the mob head! No lar, it is always better to chit-chat and ask for second opinion when buying LS mah. Next time, I approached you, you dun "Ham Tam" me ok.
  12. I used it once and find the media get depleted easily by the 50gal is nothing when you used it for topping up and water changing. I have since switched to using DI. If you want to try, I can sell you mine for $20 and all you need is to buy new media cartidge.
  13. Hi, Bak Pak is an entry level skimmer only thus not worthwhile to go through that much trouble to get it. If you are looking for a hang-on with bio filtration, the better option is the AquaMedic Bio Flotor.
  14. Been around for sometime liao just that ppl dun discussed it here often.
  15. Nice Harlequin Shrimp!. Always see you at ML but never see you tank post. Next time must share more ok.
  16. Its time for reunion dinner liao. Here's wishing all.... Gong Xi Fa Cai
  17. I have several colleagues that writes Kanji, PM me the details. Btw, Welcome to SRC.
  18. If you promised to keep only one in your 2ft then this is the one - Cheatodon mertensii Merten's butterflyfish. Merten's are hardy and will readilty accept any form of food. In nature they feeds on small benthic invertebrates and algae thus you need not worry about buying them sponges or coral polyps. Just dun introduce small decorative shrimps in your tank - common cleaners shrimp such as skunk, fire or peppermint are too large for their liking. Maximum size is 12.5cm, so still alright if you decide not to upgrade. Herewith are the visual of Merten's FYI.
  19. Tunze Siliphos or Biophos II are good alternative to Rowa. They are available at P%^$d1z R$$f.
  20. Hi Alfa how about if we just used DI unit? It is cheaper and it does not have wastage????
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