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Senior Reefer
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Everything posted by Gouldian

  1. Something like this for your next project?
  2. Great sharing, hope this will reduced the number of sins committed daily in reefing.
  3. Welcome back bro, more pixs please...
  4. Go BKK, just go Siam Reef Club and you have lots of lobang liao. lol
  5. Its not just temperature or salinity but entire water parameters. It practicality it is not possible to test all parameters thus it is better to slowly acclimating inverts to your DT params using drip methods. Of course you will still need to ensure that your DT params are within range.
  6. All inverts are sensitive to sudden change in water parameters and if you do not do proper acclimation, they will be killed in a short time after introduction.
  7. GAC - Done Skimmer - Done Bacteria dosing - Done Water Change - Continue Ozone - If you have will be good Note: Most of the anemone will be handled by the decomposers and ozone into unusable detritus, make you to siphon them off from your sand bed and rock works during water changes.
  8. I believe your sand bed is still leaching nutrients, for me I will suggest siphoning the sand bed.
  9. All for SGD100. Collection at Bukit Panjang. Please SMS 9zero4zero969zero for details. Upz
  10. You may want to acclimate your snails before adding into your tank by slow dripping. Snails are inverts and may not take fluctuation of parameters. If yours are astrea sp, they are unable to right themselves once toppled and will die in your tank. HTH
  11. From what I know, 70w MH is not available in Singapore, there are usually for US market. The regular MH available for reefing in Singapore starts at 150w but you can get 75w MH from shops at Sim Lim but they are not manufactured to reef specs.
  12. Actually ordinary machines such as copier produces hefty amount of ozone too, that why you smell a sweet smell when the machine is operating. In fact, most hotels toilets uses even more ozone to keep the toilet bad smell away. Nevertheless it is always good to err on the safe side. Most reefers will off their ozone after sweet the smell. Ozone Generators in Singapore: http://singapore.locanto.sg/ID_132335049/MINIATURE-PROFESSIONAL-OZONE-GENERATOR-TO-KILL-ODORS-MOLD-GERMS.html http://www.eurovent.com.sg/ Health issues on Ozone: http://www.epa.gov/apti/ozonehealth/population.html http://www.ccohs.ca/oshanswers/chemicals/chem_profiles/ozone/health_ozo.html http://www.epa.gov/glo/health.html http://www.ccohs.ca/oshanswers/chemicals/chem_profiles/ozone/health_ozo.html Personally to be, I feel that using Ozone is not dangerous if we know the risks to prevent overdose.
  13. ORP is suppress by decomposition of organics and lack of flow. If the former 2 issues are addressed, your ORP will be increase within several hours. I have not tested by ORP for quite a while but I have experienced several times where I register a 100 increase within 3 hours unless I have something died in my tank. Thus, I only on my ozone 2-3 hours daily during normal situation and will on overnight when i suspect the water condition is not ideal.
  14. When use Ozone, try to use salt-mix that is low is bromide as bromide will react with salt water to form bromade which is a powerful oxidizer that remains is salt water much longer than needed. - http://books.google.com.sg/books?id=WYP5k7xGCxgC&pg=PA52&lpg=PA52&dq=bromate++reef+fishes&source=bl&ots=-cexD6kfTn&sig=mNV2wzLQBHlAhBYaAtl9GMCBKXM&hl=en&sa=X&ei=cMPbUOeXB5CyrAeN8IDIAw&ved=0CEoQ6AEwAw#v=onepage&q=bromate%20%20reef%20fishes&f=false - http://www.microbelift.com/products/home-aquarium/salts/reef-salt/
  15. Looks like Halimeda, they need good calcium for growth - http://www.liveaquaria.com/product/prod_display.cfm?c=490+656&pcatid=656
  16. I have never encounter that, as I usually off the pumps and wavemaker, brush them off and siphon them out.
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