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Everything posted by Gouldian

  1. OIC, nice set-up. Keep the photos coming. ;P
  2. Wow noticed you have a couple of dosing pump under your tank. What are you using them for? What brand are they?
  3. Bro, If I am not wrong they are the Azure Demoiselle Chrysiptera hemicyanea. Max size: 7cm. Range: Indonesia & North West Australian shelf reefs.
  4. Hi bro, It's my pleasure. Hope that it will bring you hours of continuous starring into you tank!
  5. Very nice set-up! Hope to see more tanks shpts especially when you progesses with your stocking up. Bro, maybe you could size your photos to 640 x 480px. Will be better for all of us to enjoy.
  6. You are right bro, I personally like all bristletooths due to their Hardiness, Good Algae Eaters, Small Size (As compared to some other tang species) If not for the fact that I do not have space in my current tank, I would have bought it from you liao. Upz
  7. The ripples are cuz by the 1100 blowing directly at the water surface, you might want to tilt it downwards just a wee bit.
  8. This is the Cirrhilabrus solorensis Solar Wrasse, the is a guy, the females are not as colourful.
  9. If you are thinking of having small fishes and shrimps then you better get it out.
  10. Congrats Dan, you have done Singapore proud!
  11. Hi bro, From your pix, I think you have gotten a Sandperch Parapercis .sp. They are elongated fishes with long continuous dorsal fin, long ###### fin, large mouths with thick lips, small scales, complete leteral lines, and truncate to emarginate tail. Denthic carnivores of small invertebrates and fishes that can be fitted into its mouth. Territorial and haremic. Sandperches
  12. Yah lor. Actually when we are there, there were only 2 left. If we were there in the morning, I am sure I will be able to get one with a better colouration. Anyway, I was glad that Yiling (Desmond) invited me to join him.
  13. Hi Bros, dunno whether this qualified for a place in the thread, anyway here it goes.
  14. Oh my goodnes! Sorry to hear about that. Wish you get well soon!
  15. Yah lor, btw DA can you confirm whether the Bristletooth I had is white tailed variant of the C. strigosus? Wanted to check with you of Friday liao but heard that you were sick. Anyway, I guess you have recovered liao.
  16. Hi Pinkice, I believe that is not a mimic tang but a Twospot Bristletooth Ctenochaetus binotatus, like the Kole, they are excellence grazer of algae and due to their bristletooth - they make a clean job out of it! Good price for a good fish! Upz.
  17. The return of the C. lubbocki. All thanks to Yiling (Desmond), if not for him coming over and driving me to Pasir Ris Farm, I wouldn't have spotted this beauty.
  18. Hi Yiling managed to get pix of Solar Wrasse??? ;D
  19. Beautiful, with the lights, I can better apprecaite your rockworks liao. I espcially like the cave you have create at the botom left of your tank. very nice and natural looking.
  20. Hi Terryz, wah so secretive ah, any thing illegal???? . Anyway, looking forward to you revelation.
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