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Everything posted by Gouldian

  1. Diatoms on sandbed. have to increase the flow and get a sand sifting goby to help clean it up. Some snails will do for the LRs.
  2. It is everywhere? Can't see very clearly, can't ID. What's your water params and what's your feeding regime?
  3. Nice dimension 3 x 2 x 2. Nice rockworks. Hope to see the stock-up soon.
  4. An update worth waiting for. Thanks Jimng.
  5. Next time we have a mini fighting fish competition; Dispar, you and me.
  6. Wow Prec, didn't know you also like fighting fish!
  7. Eh but I never give you my office number leh. Bluff me right......
  8. It could be the clown is not properly aclimate to your tank. Personally I will rule out cyanide as clowns are easy to harvest. Also, most LFS are smart enough not to bring in fishes from supplier using cyanide. Can you share how you intro the fishes into your tank after you have bought it? Also, how you chose your fishes and where you bought your fishes in important too. If you have chosen fishes are that sick in the first place or if the LFS that house the fishes are simply boh chap, they will also not survive too.
  9. Waiting for you to start loh! Why dun you start something??? I promise I will respond.
  10. Hi bro, Sand sifters are good but if they are always dropping sand on top of your plate, the plate will be gone soon. Clowns have a habit of clearing some parts of the sands in certain areas where they lay claim, thus they will defend it. Nothing much you can do but just ensure that your plate is not near it. Have you tested your water params? Care to share? How's your plate now?
  11. Actually it depends, the dark strings are actually zooxanthalles, they are symbiotic algae hosted by corals. Thus as mentioned in the articles corals may choose to expel them due to several reasons and one of the reasons is stress. And when all zooxanthalle are expelled corals will loose its pigments and thus commonly called "Bleached".
  12. Hi bro, Weishun is right. Plate coral, Heliofungia sp. are solitary corals that exists on the seabeds. The juvenile plate will begins its life stuck to a liverock and will break itself from the LR and end up on the substrates. All plate corals like to move about thus never place them high on LR on any surface where it can topple over and trap in corners. When the LFS told you that they dun like sands they are 1/2 right only. Although plate corals likes to be on the subtrates, they do not like to be covered by sands. Thus if you have sand sifter gobies that constantly drop sands on your plates corals, this will cuz them to be stressed as well. I do not know what are you water params and what are the stocking conditions as such unable to advise you properly as to what is the actual cause of your plate being stressed. However, it would be wise for you to place them on the substrates without any disturbance in hope that they will recover soon enough. As for your dead rocks, I dun think those are natural dead rocks from the sea (I may be wrong). Always use rocks with marine origin as rocks from the land may contain high concentration of phophates and silicates or even copper that can be deterimental to you tank in a long run.
  13. Hi Chinmo, Loves them too, how I wish we could see them more often in Singapore. I guess, I will have to leave you with the resposibilties of creating a haven for them here for our enjoyment. Please update us once you have them, would loves to see them!
  14. Hi Prec, I like the dark red Echino on top of your plate! Swee man, if want to frag, please let me know.
  15. Hi Gothia, No, you did not offend me. In fact, I am touched by your sincere words and friendship. For, even we have never met, you have chosen to share with me your valuable insights! Thank you.
  16. Nice Alveo, past midnight and its till open????? Must be still hungry.
  17. Thank you Tineng, What you have mentioned is very true and it will encourages us to look at the situation more positively. Yes, I strongly believes that she will continue to perform since it is almost 2nd nature to her liao. Thank you once again for your positive outlook.
  18. Bro, just remember to give me a early heads up.
  19. So I guess, have to get Des to intro two Fairies to bring out the Angel.
  20. Hi Des, Thank you for your kind comments, hope to see your favourite PBT in your tank soon too.
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