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Everything posted by Gouldian

  1. Tang Police now no time to do patrolling liao. Cuz he is flirting with Fairies.
  2. Thanks Marineman, You have definitely read the situation well! But as for the reason why my wife is not promoted, the reason is very simple, she is not cut for management and thus prefers to remain as an executive. There are many cases like that in the Sales profession, one famous one will be Mary Chen of AIA, she has been Top Performers for so many years but chose against moving into management. Anyway, thank you for your kind contribution.
  3. Think this pix doesn't justify too. Have to see it personally to appreciate.
  4. Why you show us a pic of a Sohal???
  5. Taht's a temporary solution only. Maybe can try blanco?????
  6. My pleasure! I believe you can provide a better home for it rather than me.
  7. Hi Prec, Introduce your dad to the Z. Gematus Gem Tang, he will like it better.
  8. Hi Desmond, Great! You got yourself a Yellow Fin Fairy, Cirrhilabrus flavidorsalis . I dun think it is too stressed just that it does not like to be in your pail. Once its time for it to go into your main tank, it will make friends with the existing tankmates liao. Hope to see more of your tank pic soon.
  9. Congrats! You deserved it more than anyone else!
  10. Iodide is usually supplied as KI or potassium iodide. When dissolve in water, KI dissociates into K+ and I-. I- combines with oxygen to form IO3, and these two forms of Iodine are the most common in sea water. Up to 1/3 of the iodine can be combined with organics, and won't be measured by a test kit. Safer form of supplement but need higher dosage. Iodine is I2 or two iodine atoms joined into a molecule. I2 has strong anti-bacterial properties because it is a strong oxidizing agent. Lugol's is a mixture of KI and I2. Stronger thus needs lesser dosage, over-dosage can cause algae bloom or even detrimental to LS. Hope it helps to clear some doubts. Personally I used Lugol's as I feel that it is more costs effective.
  11. For me, if not for my wife interest in it, I would never have bothered with such difficult fish. But then I guess, the AT has taught and brought me to a different level of this hobby.
  12. Definitely not the yellow fins. Exquisitus alphas are pastel green in colours with a yellow belly and red stripes. Very chio. Hope it is still there.
  13. I believe Aquapharm is Iodide not Iodine. Iodide dosage start from 5ml per 100l where as Iodine dosage start from 1 drop per 100l. Thus the instruction on the label is correct. Sorry to hear that it has deteriorated, hope that you will learn from this experience.
  14. hahaha, this is what I called trend setting. Bro dispar, you are really guilty as a trend setter. :D
  15. Wah last time when I first intro Cirrhilabrus, everyone says looks very normal and looks like fighting fish. Now heard those people also interested liao ah!
  16. Good to look at but @$^*())(% difficult to keep.
  17. Wow rainfordi, nice fish, where you get it bro?
  18. 1 more shot in rememberance of the cyano.
  19. Here's my recent shots of the tank before the cyanopleura decides to leap into eternity.
  20. Nice job! Another bro that likes to show his barebottom.
  21. If your params are still within range, its time to add a PBT to assist your Kole in cleaning up the greens. Diatoms wise need help of sand sifting goby or sand dollars. If your params are swinging, hold back the PBT and find the cause - could be due to overfeeding, too long photo-period or excess phosphates and silicates in your tank.
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