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Everything posted by Gouldian

  1. Too bad its too near my wife delivery date. Upz for your sale.
  2. Decides against selling due poor responds. Thread closed.
  3. Sorry hor, I all the while use scientific names one. Those who knows me can vouch for it.
  4. Hi, Wanted to sell a Salarias sp. for $5. About 3" and healthy. Fantastic algae chomper! Reef-safe. Reason of selling: Bullied by my bristle tooth tang. Collection: Punggol central.
  5. Get from Bro Blueheaven. Nice tank at a super nice price! http://www.sgreefclub.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=33953
  6. The 1st photo bigger tunicates are the Polycarpa aurata the smaller ones should be Clavelina moluccensis. The 2nd photo is Hyotissa hyotis. All of the above are obligate filter feeders require large mature systems.
  7. ATI Aquablue Special is 11000k. ATI AquaBlue Special
  8. Personally I will go for 2 x actinic 03 and 2 x 10k. The actinic to be turn on 1 hr before 10k in the morning and 1 hr after the 10k at night. This will simulate the weaker lights of dusk and dawn.
  9. Confused, I am too.
  10. No worries henry, no tank is too small. We are all learning. Thus keep us posted.
  11. But ever wonder how come no matter how he swing and twist the light saber, it never touches or scrapes the floor (Even with such short hands).
  12. lol, are you one too????
  13. Hi Madmac, I fully understand your points too. In fact, I feel that if we intend to keep the more demanding species of SPS such as the Acroporas, BB definitely will beat BSB hands down if we will to fully employ and maintian both methods to the fullest potential. This point was further supported by A. Calfo last night. Your fear is not without ground, although I am still new in this hobby, I have seen countless new reefers preferring to accept dodgy methods just because they seems easier to follow or the proponent have better language capabilities. This situation is not proprietary to only SRC, even in forums such as RC we will often see such situation repeating itself over and over again. Thus, I believe like everything else in this world - we just have to live with it. I truly believes and respect your passion and am glad that I have another brother walk along the path of "Responsible Reefing". With regarding to my avatar, the previous one is a Boston Terrier - my favorite dog. But since my nick is Gouldian - my favourite finch, I boh pian, have to use Gouldian Finch as my avatar. Anyway, it gives some reefers that doesn't agree with me to call me "Bird Man" without hurting me much.
  14. Hi Henry, You may want to emulate Seamonkee, he has taken us thru step by step of his tank installation process. Would really apprecaite if you have the time to do the same too. TIA
  15. Thought Yoda should be, "Twenty-past ten, its approaching"?
  16. Some of us have been super fortunate to attend the seminar by Anthony R. Calfo last night and part of the topics discussed is DSB. From my limited understanding of his speech, there is no hard and fast rules as to DSB is the way or Bare Bottom is the way. But rather the aquarist's total understanding of the methods he/she chose, ensure that he/she practice whatever disciplines needed to effective sustain his/her chosen method. Often, especially in Singapore, we are always looking for quick one time solutions. We are usually to quick to embrace or slam a method without detailed investigations. When we have maintain a healthy reef for 1 or 2 months, we surmise that we have a perfect solution for our reef. When we don't see results after 1 or 2 months, we simply slam the methods as ineffective. But I really appreciate both Ian, Tuan and the rest of the bros and sis that have contributed in one way or other to promote better reefing methods.
  17. Great discussion! Love the way both sides state thier ground amicably! Thanks for the information and experiences shared!
  18. $120 sold to dmitri! Will contact you soon. Just need to clean it up and await your collection.
  19. UPZ for the very last time. Guys and gals tonight 2359hrs is the closing.
  20. Even if you intend to change to higher wattage to suit your clam. A 1ft Nano does not have the stabililty needed by clams. Stability of: 1) Salinity 2) Temperature 3) Nitrate / Nitrite 4) Ca / KH A sudden fluctuation of any of the above will be super stressful to your clam. And if the clam were to die on your Nano while you are out, it could possibly crash your whole tank. Thus, kindly reconsider.
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