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Everything posted by Gouldian

  1. Dun worry with your "fetish" for red and your ability to hunt them down, maybe one day we will get to see red acros!
  2. Bro dun ke ke lah. Everyone here know that you have lots of red gems!
  3. To put in simpler, Ca and KH are two dudes sitting in a see-saw, when Ca weight increases, KH will rise. If it is a gradual incraese both will be able to handle it. If this happens too fast KH or Ca will remain on top for a longer time causing percipitations. But is Ca instead on sitting on the see-saw decides to jump onto the see-saw, the weight on his side will decrease and increase dramatically thus causing both to fall off the see-saw which cause Ionic Imbalance. Usually when that happens, the reefers will have hard time correctly both parameters which causes the LS to be stressed and even die. The only solution is frequent smal part water changes.
  4. Actually Ionic Imabalance can mean any chemical ions that have close relationship being disturbed. In our hobby most Ionic Imbalance happens between Kh and Ca. As A. Calfo has mentioned in the Book of Coral Propagation. Ca and Kh are just like different coloured marbles in a galss container filled to the brim. Increasing one will cause the other to drop. And when you have to great a increase in one elements e.g. Ca in too short a time for the tank to handle you will expereience Ionic Imbalance if it is serious or just percipitation if it is not that serious.
  5. I have never seen anyone successful in feeding pellets to SH, this may be due to the way SH eat. SH feeds by ###### the food into is mouth without munching. Pellets are dried up and are too hard to be eaten this way. Besides, SH are quite finicking, it is already a challenge to get them to feed on frozen mysis!
  6. No worries. Posted a more detailed link rather than giving you layman's explaination. Hope you dun mind.
  7. Nice job Aquara! Have been waiting to see your tank for very long liao.
  8. http://www.wetwebmedia.com/calcalkmar.htm
  9. I like it! He could have easily bought one nano tank, either brand new or used, for his wife but he chose to spend time and efforts to DIY one! To me, it is worth more than $$$$. My respect to you bro..... :bow:
  10. Naso vlamingi (50cm) Ecology: Usually in mid-water aggregations near reef slopes where it feeds on zooplankton. Can instantly turn on or off its brilliant blue markings. I believe you need to fork out more than $30 for a specimen around that size but may not get that nice colouring though. Very good buy! Upzz for your sale sis.
  11. Nice fish, when I last visited it was still a puny little fella. Now 3in plus liao, you must have taken great care of it! Upzzzzz
  12. Dun worry to much about pistol shrimps, they are a great additions to reef tank set-up especailly if you pair them with a shrimp goby. I have 2 pistols in my main tank and 1 in my sump refugium. But if it is a mantis than you have to worry more. I used to have a 1inch mantis in my tank for about 3 months until one day during power shut down it went down my overflow and got caught. If I were you, I will introduce a S. yashia or a S. nematodes.
  13. I dun work in a creative agency but have contacts there. Anyway, I tried a few of the easily manageable ones with my staffs today. All of them reacted normally, you know why? Cuz I does that all the time.
  14. Hi reefers, Am looking for a good German pump for my return. Anyone with Aquabee 5000 or Eheim 1264 or equivalent?? Can accept offers on OR3500 too. Please post here with pics and pm me the price.
  15. Lights are needed but not really strong lights. Just like corals, different species of coralines have different requirements to lights. But all of them will thrive of high Kh and high Ca environment. For me, I feel that as long as your tank have all the necessary parameters necessary for corals, coralines are the last you need to worry about. maybe only when they suck in too much of your Ca.
  16. I will get my ad agency to employ you as their creative director!
  17. wah, now than I see this post! Anyway, I dun have time to visit the LFS but I did watch a Jap documentary on Madarinfish's courtship and spawning in captivity. Too bad, my Jap sucks big time.
  18. Yah loh, I used to tell her that when she has a P. hepatus but she dunwan to listen. Now a PBT! sigh... Thus now a days I just keep my mouth shut when people ask me what to add into their tank. Anyway, Coralines algi are just common name to the many species of pink to dark purple algi that will thrives in high KH and Ca environment that we wanted so much to attain and thus it is often used as a indication of a healthy reef. Some of the red coralines are great treats to the tangs! Nothing wrong with that, the tang is just doing what it naturally does.
  19. Great! I looking forward to get my hands on your 350D. After this Japan trip, I am too broke to have 350D liao. I guess I will have to wait for December 1st liao.
  20. That's because I secretly learn from you mah. But I was careful not to learn to take portraits from you for fear that I will repeat your mistakes. :P
  21. Aiyah, the whole SRC also know what, I am the only joker who gets both you and Roidan to help me take photos of my tank! Super paiseh man! But boh bian, that's my limitation.
  22. Last shot. True Octo, slightly translucent. From AA yesterday, all thanks to DA and Yiling for prompting me.
  23. Wierd Yuma Stretches out instead of stick closed to rocks.
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