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Everything posted by Gouldian

  1. I have 3 living happily in a rock of rics.
  2. Wow! I have learn a new thing today. Thanks Lightningstrike!
  3. That wooden stand is solid wood man! If I am not wrong it is made by Reborn - Super sturdy! Upz for you sale bro.
  4. Hi, I am using it too, I use the 1200l pump to run it. But i know one bro using 3000l pump to run it. You won't spoil the fan coil with too much flow, but too much flow will not gives your cooling coil enough time and contact to effectively cool your water.
  5. Great to see another set-up! Looking forward to see your step by step updates.
  6. No those are just particulate carbon filters. It removes certain imputies but not all.
  7. Fantastic skimmer! Good for up to 850l, click here for Specs. Upz
  8. Sad to see reefers parting with their Brand New equipments before even setting up. Further more these are all quality products from a reliable company. Upz for your sale bro! Hope to see you back one day!
  9. Looks offensive. Looks like ..I..
  10. Damn shoik just by looking at the pixs. Keep them coming bro.
  11. Aiyah, I kena caught liao! I am still saving leh. Son not out, dun dare to spend.
  12. Hehehe, Of course convinced. Since when I doubted your advices??? Anyway, very happy that you managed to get what you wanted so much.
  13. For me, I personally will still go for DI rather than RO/DI cuz the DI units are much cheaper than the RO/DI. Plus the fact that I can't find a good use to the effluent water rejecter by the RO membrane.
  14. Wow! Should I priase you or your camera????? Confused liao.
  15. So pure that you can use it as battery water. If I am not wrong most DI unit are able to produce <20 megohm-cm lab grade water. In fact most RO units have a DI included to effectively remove particles too small for the RO membranes. Then why does people still get RO? Cuz RO will filter off the bigger partcles and thus enhances the life of your DI.
  16. I believe Fuel was into SPS thus the need to have Ca reactor. Lots of stuffs can contribute to corals shrinking or dying. Yours might be due incorrect flow but another reefer might be due to water params. Ionic Imbalance will affect all livetsocks in our tank. Simple because all of them depends highly on the water to carry oxygen, food, regulate temperature or even hydration. When Ionic Imabalance happens, it means that the KH and CA and even PH will go haywire - this will induce stress and even death. Imagine what will happen to some of us if we were to drink ice cold lime juice once moment and hot milk the next moment - sure LS wan (for LS I dun mean Livestocks)
  17. DI unit = DeIonizer comprises of ion-exchange medium which electrostatically removes dissolved impurities from the water.
  18. For me, I use Di water for water top-up but the water will pass thru my Kalk Reactor just to ensure that the neccesary buffers are present.
  19. Thats because they grows way too big for the average aquarium in Singapore and because their adult colors is not as striking.
  20. Thanks bro, I am giving back what I have gain from this forum.
  21. Great explanation Kelmon! Mg is the see-saw. Without it also cannot play liao. Like I have said earlier, Ionic Imbalance encompass lots of different elements but for us in reefing the most common ones are Ca and KH, thus we cannot just says Ionic Imbalance = Ca and Kh imbalance.
  22. Actually it is not Pistol Shrimp that most reefers are afraid of but rather the Mantis Shrimps especially the Spearer species. Cuz they spear fishes for food. Another worry is the Smashers species of the Mantis Shrimps will break glass with their smashing activities but again it needs a pretty big mantis (min 4-5in) to do that kind of damage. Even that, Mantis found among our LR are in fact quite harmless as most of the feeds on pods rather than fishes. I have a Mantis (confirmed) in my tank for several months until it went down my overflow during a power cut, it never give my fishes or even ###### shrimps any problems. As for the Spearer species, they dun hitch hike but rather burrow themself on the sea floor waiting for their next meal.
  23. Sorry to hear about your plight bro. Anyway, as A. Calfo has mentioned it all else fails "Dilution is the Best way to Pollution". Anyway bro, if me my help, please feel free to PM me.
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