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Everything posted by Gouldian

  1. For me, besides looking out for the Corals to "complain" to me that they are receiving insufficient lights or looking for some plants to start growing........ I used a simple digital camera, what I do is to take a picture of the tank noting the settings and time of the day. Five six months later, I will take the same picture of the tank using the same setting and situation. I managed to get some reliable indication from it.
  2. What's the car number???? 1) buy 4D 2) paste on my dash board to remind me never to park near this car
  3. Bro, why dun try black background? I feel that black gives the depth. But dark blue also just as good lah. Anyway, nice work on your tank, must be back breaking!
  4. Yup. I still remember your incident bro! Anyway, glad that you have became a much better reefer after joining SRC.
  5. Microbubbles can be created by: 1) Skimmer 2) Return pump 3) New pippings Baffles = Additional plates in a sump placed in a way to reduce bubbles. Solution: 1) Skimmer: place skimmer outflow before baffles or add more baffles or tie a stocking at the outflow of the skimmer. 2) Return pump: Gently shake the return pump to release trap bubbles. 3) New pippings: New pipings usually will have some air trap within that will dissipate after running for a week or two. Inspect all joints to ensure that they are siliconed properly, if not reapply silicon and wait a few more days. Hope that helps.
  6. Maybe you can check with AT or Goondoo?
  7. Most company don't rent to "P" Plates but there is a way around it. Get a non "P" Plate to rent on your behalf then you drive loh. But if you involve in accident then your "friend" kena loh.
  8. If you have the below fishes, you dun have to wait for feeding : 1) Firefish 2) Tilefish 3) Cirrhilabrus wrasse 4) Paracheilinus wrasse
  9. Next can be mine! My son's baby shower! Onz?????
  10. Yup. Plus a fluke case of a fish splashing water on the heated glass surface of the MH will be catastrophic!
  11. Actually for Mark's build and size, I think he resembles "Flash". Anyway, thanks again for your hospitality. Pick up quite a few great ideas for my next 4 footer.
  12. I will be trying out Aquaz Kalkwasser soon cuz I am a believer of Kalk plus I use Kalkreactor mah. Heard from some of the bros, it is just as good as the former Reefez if not better.
  13. Most reccomends 6 - 8 inches away from the water surface. MH are able to penetrate up to 2.5ft to 3ft effectively for most corals.
  14. I have no chance to try the products you have in that link but have tried their PurePhos and Epozy. I feel that they are a really value for money company. For example the Purephos, although cannot absorb faster than the Rowa, it is definitely more value for money than the Rowa. And if you compare the Purephos with some other brand within the same price range as the Purephos, you will find that the Purephos performs better. Ultimately, I feel that if you compare apple for apple, Aquaz is a brand that is worth every cents. What I also like about Aquaz is that they don't oversell on their products, they do not claim that they performs miracles unlike some other brands.
  15. chin eh boh???? Next time got frag I cheong liao......
  16. I really loves your red prostata. How I wish I can have them. Anyway, I know my limits, with my kind of tank condition the candy sticks will turn into chocolate bars.
  17. Looks like we have not seen the best of your works yet! Now showing only frags cuz you just rescape, I think it would be more perfect in the months to come! :bow: Results definitely speaks louder that talks![/SIZE]
  18. You want those with dryer???? You not afraid wait your jewels kena cooked?????
  19. Nice work Monster1975, I always look forward to your updates.
  20. The control panel. I think Sis Princess will like it cuz and control pressure.
  21. Bro Weisoon, do you mean this? I tried it is Japan, like it very much. I think they are sold in Singapore too but not cheap.
  22. I have tried Aquapharm, Seachem, Tropic Marine, Salifert & Koralin and here's my 2 cents. Aquapharm - Cheap but seems diluted, not much info Seachem - Reasonably priced, name of products too confusing, state effective ingredients eg. Reef Calcium, Reef Complete, Reef Advantage Calcium - Salifert - Resonably priced, seems diluted, state effective ingredients Tropic Marine - Concentrated powder form, state effective ingredients, slightly pricey, powder cake easily Koralin - Concentrated powder form, some packaging only have German text, pricey, cake easily but not as bad as Tropic Marine Conclusion: Prefer Koralin due to its potency and results.
  23. Sometimes, I really wonder what's your orientation! Are you the Blue Oysters type?????
  24. Yah loh..... btw how much does the Batmobile cost?????
  25. How can I forget someone like you?????? Just that I am not the Mini caliber yet, so diam diam loh.
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