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Senior Reefer
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Everything posted by Gouldian

  1. If you free you can drop by my place (Punggol) to see how i manage with remote sump.
  2. Remember to jio me ok Ian! I saty in Punggol. hehehe
  3. Boh bian ah bro. Post wrongly wait kena flame until chao tar.
  4. No offense but there is a sub forum dedicated for your above question. Try Here
  5. HI bro, I have a similar problem of having a cabinet too low for sump. I solved it by having a remote sump. Cannisters are good if you maintain them periodically. I used to have cannisters with I was into seahorse, they are a great and cheap filtration if you can't afford set-ups that comes with sumps.
  6. Why dun consider the Aqua C Remora?
  7. So bro, What is the benefits in laymans term to us drivers? Sorry I and a neard when comes to cars.
  8. Not yet bro, as I have not have time to visit the showrooms. Anymore new inputs?
  9. Thanks Scarab for the info. With the current situation of lesser seniors wanting to contribute, really appreciate your kind and honest contributions.
  10. Agree with hmkui whole heartedly! Lets not be tools of some people with ill intents for this site. I believe by logging in here regularly contributing our 2 cents politely, we all have already some form of agreement. So lets not focus on the negative! Its after all a hobby! Peace.
  11. Boh Bian bro, I have seen a couple of batches of reefers coming and leaving. If dun take things easy, I long ago "quit" liao. PS: Quit SRC only hor. Not the hobby.
  12. Hi Minsmarine, how's things with you? Never see you posting for quite sometime liao. Back to the topic, I think frictions are inevitable, just have to ride it through loh. Human bounds to "I not happy with you" and "He is so like that wan". Anyway, since our hobby revolves around salt, lets just take things with a pinch of "salt" loh. :peace:
  13. Why do you think that veggie is the answer to keeping MI? MI are mostly feeds on Tunicates and Sponges and not Algae, feeding them Veggie is also not adviseable.
  14. From my limited knowledge: 1) Chillers does not needs to top-up gas just like our fridges. However if the cooling coils are leaking due to wear and tear then you will have to top-up gas. 2) Contact Derick, 90255562, he will be able to assist you in trouble shooting and provide honest advice. Should be around $30. 3) I shall leave it to Derick professional advice for fear of digging into a can of worms. Hehehehe
  15. MX are the pressure rated models. Becketts nozzles in fact performs better with pressure rated pumps, thus you see the Americans will usually run becketts with pressure rated pumps. The only thing about pressure rated pumps are: 1) Price 2) Consumme more electricity 3) Generate more heat 4) Generate more noise
  16. They are Cyano Bacteria aka the Red Carpet. The "cure" is prevention. Cyano will be presence if you have high nutritents lingering in your tank that is not effectively remove from your water. Thus you have to: 1) Increase water flow 2) Get a better skimmer 3) Reduce feeding if you have been over feeding Hope that helps.
  17. Remora does well too. I am using remora for my 3 footer.
  18. Bro, Why insist on beckett? IMHO, Becketts are not meant to be small, reducing the size of the beckett will also compromised its performance. Thus you noticed most quality beckett are large. For small compact places the best option is needlewheel, the needlwheel technology allows for smaller and more compact design without compromising on performance. For your kind of tank and space, I would get the Deltec MC 500 or the Deltec MCE 600. They are reliable, small, compact, consumes lesser electricity and will put lots of skimmer to shame. Plus they are around the price region of a good Beckett skimmer.
  19. For Mysis, I prefer Piscine Energetics Mysis. According to their Site, PE Mysis are harvested from Fresh Water thus does not harbour parasites that will torment our livestocks. Also, I find PE Mysis to be bigger and fatter as compared to the Hikkari Mysis commonly available. Dun asked me where to get PE Mysis in Singapore cuz I have long stop feeding Mysis. The last I bought them was from Reborn.
  20. Just like some of us prefer candy or sweets to regular meals. BS are like treats to fishes. However, if you really need to feed brine shrimp, Baby Brine Shrimps (BBS) hatched within 24hrs will be a better choice as they still have the egg-sac that will provide good nutrients. Alternative is to enrich your BS with Selcon or Zoecon.
  21. Adult brine shrimp are low in nutritional values. While Mysis are able to provide quite good staple for most fishes.
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