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Everything posted by Gouldian

  1. Hi bro, We have not even touch the tip of the iceberg here. There are tons to learn and till today I am still learning. I suggest you read more and find another reefer with more experience to assist you every step of the way as somethings cannot be covered just by a few paragraph of texts. HTH
  2. By the way, how are you going to maintain Ca and kH since right now you know that you can't just dose Buffers?
  3. No lah. Actually most reeefrs dun test frequently too if not we all bankrupt long ago liao. The trick is to: 1) Test when unsure of the tank requirement ie new tank 2) Test when you find livestocks stress 3) Test when livestocks dies 4) Test when you are unsure of dosage your system require HTH
  4. Most pH or kH buffers consist of BiCarbonate of Soda. With indiscriminate dosage, it will cause Ca to drop drastically and may even cause Ionic Imbalance.
  5. Actually you can top-up water maybe very evening and test your water a few hours later. As for the buffer, dun use unless necessary and when you have tested you Ca and kH.
  6. Dear Bro, Hope the below information helps: 1) Its Buffers not Puffers 2) Buffers are not meant to be added nightly 3) What you need to dose in order to maintain pH at night is Kalkwasser 4) By cutting a hole in your pipping to your skimmer, you are reducing your skimmer performance 5) You can use 2 parts Solutions, Kalkwasser, Calcium Reactor to maintain Calcium, Akalinity & indirectly pH. Which ever method you chose, the applications and dosage is different.
  7. Yup I also saw some Caulerpa, for caulerpa you need to be careful that they don't turn sexual. When that happens they will release toxins into your tank. Thus most reefers with caulerpa will have to have the fuge lighted 24/7. With Chaeto, you need not worry about them turning against you. Thus most people prefers to get chaeto. Look out for some regular posters' signature and you will find chaeto farmer. Hehehe Not convenient for me to "tua" him, dunno whether he is ready to sell.
  8. Here's a pix of it taken from Joe_P's forum.
  9. Hi reefers, I have the above FR for sale at $100. Have to sell cuz: 1) No more floor space 2) Changing to another smaller FR that can be hang Cash and Carry @ Punggol Central.
  10. Bro WL, next time got chance "tar pao" for you.
  11. Do you know it is illegal to keep anemone in Thailand but its alright to serve anemone in restaurant.
  12. Nice work Nitro! If I am not wrong those are Bryopsis and are nuisance algae. Anyway for macro algae the best for refugium is Chaetomorpha. Try to search for a "chaeto farmer" in SRC, he should have some to sell you. Hehehe As for the bryopsis, try to remove them before it get too late.
  13. Actually EAquanature have been around for very long liao and is one of the more establish internet portal. 2 very important reasons why buy from EAquanature for MCE600: 1) They are one of the sponsor of SRC 2) They are the Exclusive Distributors of Deltec products in SE Asia If you are uncomfortable in dealing through Internet, you may PM them for more details. HTH
  14. From my observations Coco worms are seasonal. Once you see it in one shop, you will find it in others. In the east, most of the LFS in Pasir Ris Farm will cary when in "season". Prices varies, usually starting at around $20. HTH
  15. You can only find it in www.Eaquanature.com
  16. Hehehe, I am sure you will be in good hands if you encounter any problems. All the best!
  17. Bro Lightningstike is always prudent and resposible with his advises. He will always ensure that the advises he dishes out are correct to the T and not misunderstood. Thus, he was only double checking with the initiator of the post that what he/she spotted is really aiptasia rather than assuming. A senior that I respect!
  18. WOw! Another mother to be! Congrats Jaslyn!
  19. Good price for a brand new good product! Upz for your sale!
  20. Sea Life have been in the market many years liao and H&S is one product that sets them apart from other LFS. Previously before the Becketts or Deltecs, most serious reefers will buy H&S from Sea Life. I must agree that their customer service is a little lacking but overall I feel that they are one shop that are serious in this business. If they wanted to cheat, they would have sold the set to Nitro as new for $800+ rather than $450. Its true that you can get cheaper H&S from Hong Kong, just like you can get cheaper Iwaki etc.
  21. I dun like to test pH. I monitor pH with a Pin Point pH monitor. Now a days there are pH monotirs at very competitive prices, check out our sponsors Bio Ocean and Aqua Marin. Saw them carrying some affordable sets. HTH
  22. Used filter wool???? Or Skimate????
  23. Vincent! Speaking from experience???? I thought you are still single???? You read alot izzit?
  24. Actually a couple of months back, I did something super silly. I have previously loan 1 Biostar to a friend and after he returned to me the needlewheel got jammed. While trying to service it I broke it. Thinking that I may have to spend lots of $$$ just to get back another needlewheel, I threw the whole Biostar away. On the hind sight, I really regretted my silly action. I could have got it replace for this is really a piece of Good Equipment. Sigh........
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