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Everything posted by Gouldian

  1. Hi Apollo, Sorry to read about your quiting. Take care!
  2. 1) For macroalgae, it is preferable to grow them in a refugium in a reserve photo-period as your main tank. This will maintain proper pH during the lights off period in your main tank which will lower pH. 2) Different system have different demands of Ca & kH, as such you need to do some form of tesing to determine your Ca & kH consumption and devise your dosing to meet the demands. Most reefers in Singapore start by mixing 1 tsp with 1.25l pet bottle of dechorinated tap water. The amount to drip depends of your test results of the tank consumption. 3) Poly Filter looks like a plain piece of wool, just that it have been sepcially manufactured to removes harmful organic and various inorganic waste build-ups. You can get them in Sealife and Reborn. Please do note that Poly Filter does not directly absorbs Phosphates like the phosphates medias thus it is only used as an alternative if you dun have a FR. More info on Poly Filter HTH
  3. Bi-Color Blenny reserved pending collection. Thanks for your kind support.
  4. Fully agree! Sometimes it just take a keen eye to spot gems! That's why, I dun do shopping alone.
  5. True Percs tentatively reserve pending pics. Thanks for all kind attention.
  6. 1) Macro Algae. You can PM Blueheaven, he is the Chaetomorpha farmer, he should be able to sell you some from the recent harvest. 2) Lime water = Kalkwasser. Kalkwasser cannot be pour into the tank. You need to drip it slowly into your tank at lights off. First mix Kalkwasser with dechorinated tap water and let it settle, drip only the clear top solution into your tank. Kalk dripper can be DIYed by insering a Plastic Air Valve 1 inch from the bottom into a Plastic Container (Soft Drink Bottle). 3) Phosphate Medias = Rowaphos, Purephos, Elimphos, BioPhosII etc. They work best in a Fluidised Reactor. If you dun have a FR, can try Poly Filter Wool. HTH
  7. Looks like the Original Goby Alert Master is back in actions!
  8. Dear Reefers, A friend of mine is shifting house and needs to shut-down. Dun have pics as he dun have DC, will be collecting from him tomorrow evening for temporary baby sitting. Item 1) Bonded pair of true percula from CF selling @ $50 Item 2) Bi-colour blenny from I-Aquarium selling @ $8 Other items and pics hopefully will be up by Wednesday. Thanks.
  9. Will definitely bring Artemas! I am ok if there is ample heads up. Now a days have to think of places to bring junior during the weekends.
  10. Besides the obvious bacteria build-up, if you just mix tap water directly with your salt mix, you will encounter 'cloudy water'. In order to rectify this, always air your tap water over night with a small air pump or powerhead before mixing with your salt mix. If it is bacteria build-up or less than perfect water condition due to your corals dying, try doing partial but frequent water change. HTH
  11. Great work Mark! Thanks for sharing your works! Your tank will be my inspiration when my new tank project is approved by Home Affairs Minister.
  12. Reading from all the posts to date, I tend to agree with Vincent more. I don't think a troubled person will appreciate being "talk" or "counselled" in a Public Forum not to mentioned that it is now the hottest topic in Kopi Tiam. I believe PM is a better choice for this kind of things if we do not have the fellow member's contacts. I personally feels that by bringing our the "Talk" & "Counselling" stuffs in the open only serve to feed oneself's ego, posts or maybe even hidden agendas. As I have stated, the above are only my personal views. It is not directed at anybody or group. If I have offended anyone, I hereby offer my apologises.
  13. Hi Ryan, I like your Westie too, met him during the A. Calfo's supper at Jalan Kayu. It is definitely a well behaved and adorable dog. Even my wife who is afraid of dogs remembered him.
  14. She was with me during my Gouldian finch & Lovebirds days. In fact, I have given the Gouldian to one of her ex-colleague. As for the hand-trained peach-faced lovebird, one of my auntie's customer brought it home.
  15. Hi Chris, Please dun get to that! If not you will be me selling off my assets at Pasar Malam tomorrow!
  16. Hi Ryan, Care to share your experiences with Westie? I find them nice too.
  17. Heard the BT are specially bred for apartment living in Boston thus named Boston Terriers and not becuase they were used for hunting previously.
  18. Bro Hotlemond, Very nice recessive pied. Used to keep birds and budgies are one of favourite besides the Gouldian finch. Have to forgo this hobby cuz wife believe in the hokkien saying,"Ci Jiao Keh Huay Liao" = "keeping birds will make you bankrupt". Bro Hammy, I have kept Hamster before but gave up after a while cuz I cannot stand the constant smell of ammonia. But must say that yours looks great!
  19. My Favourite, Boston Terrier! Check with Diabolus, he has one.
  20. You can try our sponsor E AquaNature, they are the authorized dealer. HTH
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