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Everything posted by Gouldian

  1. Aquanautics Specialist is the distributor, you may want to check with them.
  2. Sad to read that human pollution has crept it way to the Red Sea and experts are calling for more awareness programs in public places, schools and universities to educate people about conserving and preserving the beauty of the Red Sea for future generations. Source: - http://www.saudigazette.com.sa/index.cfm?method=home.regcon&contentid=20130415161474
  3. This is one of the Reefing News I would gladly post. UAE Marine Environmental Research Centre at the Ministry of Environment and Water is transplanting coral reefs along the UAE coastline. Kudos to them! Source: - http://www.khaleejtimes.com/kt-article-display-1.asp?xfile=data/infocus/2013/April/infocus_April6.xml&section=infocus
  4. Another call by Phuket Marine Biologist for Thai Government to take actions against Sea Walkers. ''We went back on April 3 and again last week,'' she told Phuketwan. Dr Nalinee says a large area of coral reef has been destroyed so the ''sea walking'' business can operate. ''The surface under the sea used to be solid,'' she said. ''That enabled the coral to build itself. Now the coral has been destroyed and the surface is soft sand.'' She said that it had taken 100 years or more for the coral to grow, only to be destroyed for money. ''It's ironic that the tourists come to see the coral reefs and the reef's marine life but this business seems to think it's all about walking on the bottom. ''Eventually, when the coral has all been destroyed, the fish and the sea walking business will be gone, too." Source: - http://phuketwan.com/tourism/phuket-marine-biologist-urges-thai-government-action-reef-17893/
  5. SICCE Syncra Silent is currently considered by most to be the quietest. You tube comparison of Suncra with Mag drive -
  6. Instead of Zeovit, you can try Fauna Marin Ultralith. I am using it with good results and I also don't get those overly pastel SPS associated with zeovit. You can check out the below links for more info: http://www.reefland.com/forum/area-51-exotics/23114-fauna-marin-ultralith-system-basics.html http://www.zeovit.com/forums/showthread.php?t=10819 Fauna Marin is easily available in Singapore through several of our sponsors. Hope that helps.
  7. The Philippines Government is now charging the Chinese vessel for poaching. Source: - http://www.washingtonpost.com/world/asia_pacific/poaching-complaint-filed-against-chinese-fishermen-on-boat-that-hit-protected-philippine-reef/2013/04/10/a987a4aa-a1d1-11e2-bd52-614156372695_story.html
  8. The 12-man vessel ran aground Tubbataha Reef, a Unesco World Heritage site, late on Monday. The men will be taken into custody and questioned, authorities say. The US is facing a possible fine of more than $2m (£1.3m), after a US minesweeper damaged corals in the same reef in January. The Philippines and China have territorial disputes in the South China Sea, and engaged in a lengthy stand-off over the Scarborough shoal last year. However, the Tubbataha reef lies within the Philippine's territory, and is not considered a disputed area. "This is a small fishing boat, but we are wondering how they strayed into Tubbataha," coastguard spokesman Lieutenant Commander Arman Balilo told AFP news agency. Source - http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-22077465 Wow, a double whammy for Tubbataha
  9. You can use any photo viewer to rotate pic before you upload. I am using Picaso viewer.
  10. The Philippines Government has ordered US Navy to pay US$1.5mil for the damages - http://www.radioaustralia.net.au/international/2013-04-06/philippines-orders-us-navy-to-pay-15m/1112262 Lets hope the money will be put to good use.
  11. The commanding officer and three crew of a US minesweeper which ran aground on a protected coral reef in the Philippines have been relieved of their duties, the US Navy said Thursday. A statement from the US Pacific Fleet in Hawaii said an initial investigation had found that the commander of the USS Guardian and three others had failed to "adhere to standard US Navy navigation procedures." "The US Navy has the highest accountability standards and all four sailors were relieved by Rear Admiral Jeffrey Harley due to their role in the grounding and a loss of confidence," a statement said. The minesweeper ran aground on Tubbataha in a remote part of the Sulu Sea on January 17, damaging a section of the reef, a UNESCO World Heritage site known for its rich marine life. Source: - http://www.google.com/hostednews/afp/article/ALeqM5ig4iXg6MW_Ujgpi_iSrE6J9oG_tQ?docId=CNG.1fa68bf2f4e6c9ace13743e24b3e1a35.491
  12. An unusual raised in temperature (2 degree celsius) in 1998 killed about 70% of the corals in an isolated part of the Australia's North West Coast. However, recent study found that the reef have regenerated itself and created even more new colonies than before! Source: - http://science.nbcnews.com/_news/2013/04/04/17603478-isolated-coral-reef-surprises-scientists-by-healing-itself?lite Thank you Mother Nature!
  13. The one at Boon Lay is Reef Systems, they are the distributor. You may want to contact Madpetz, one of their retailer.
  14. Wah 60 degree can de-feather chickens liao. lol
  15. As requested by the thread starter.
  16. 1) Yes, you are a regular member is SRC and in many other forums and you are not given any special previledges, that's the same with many other reefers including moderators from other forums. And that's common, I don't think any of SRC moderators and administrator are expecting special treatement when we visit other forums, are you? 2) As mentioned in my previous post - "we who teach will be judge more strictly", I have also quoted an analogy of a country's leader visiting and country and not behaving properly. I hope you get my point instead of naming it hostilities or you have struck some raw nerve. If you want me to come point blank here you go:- You being a moderator of another forum shouldn't be going around commenting about the administration of another forum. By doing this, you will be seen as trying to steal members or to influence. You also should not openly pick on typo mistakes of our administrator, he is after all our leader and you ought to respect that when you are here. 3) Rohaizal, I have nothing against you but as all can see, I have participated in this thread in good cheer and have also called for patience as I understand changing takes time especially when there is limited resources. But what I feel is not right is how you are seen as fanning the fire even when Larry has stepped in several times to assure things. Being a senior reefer and also a fellow moderator, I believe you could have done it better by leaving it to our administration to sort it out. Thank you,
  17. You can get those un-flavoured ones from supermarkets. If you are unsure, you can get from most LFS.
  18. I usually feed with a good quality pellet food and then supplement with dried nori or seaweed or dried kelp.
  19. BFG, Correction, you are not a freshwater moderator of a freshwater forum that is here to learn but the leading marine moderator of AQ - http://www.aquaticquotient.com/forum/forumdisplay.php/12-Marine-Tanks. You know your stuffs, you are assisting in the managing of a forum and now you claim to be a regular member and you have the right to comment as per a regular member? Sorry brother, that's not how things works in this world. It's just like a Minister of a country going to another country to supports a rally or to give speech, do you think that the latter country's adminsitration will allow it??? "we who teach will be judged more strictly" Anyway, with the cat out of the bag, I shall leave it to the members to decide whether we have reponded appropriately.
  20. I accept your correction as it is your forum mangement and policies and have respected that when I am in AQ. And I hope you will do the same too. Anyway, be it AQ or SRC, all forum are open to anyone to read and I am sure the public will be able to judge.
  21. Guys, I am posting this on my own capacity and not as a Mod. Let's give Larry more time to twitch the system as he is trying his best with limited resources, limited help. I have some experience organizing such things and can attest it is tough and organizer generally have to do all works from Marketing, Getting Sponsors, Setting Rules and Guidelines, Handling Logistics, Judging etc etc. For those who have seen SRC transformed since Larry's ownership, you will know that he has done an awesome job. Previously, Singapore have 2 forums and both forum owners does not used the funds generated from the forum for the forumers. After Larry's ownership, we have TOTQ, we have Fish Fair, we also get to buy well designed T-shirts. If this is not decent efforts, I don't know what is? Some of you may not know, some forums are owned by individuals but SRC is owned by a company. This difference to me is very important because if it is a company, it means that the entity have to do proper accounting and also cannot use the funds for their own "glorification". As a Chairman of Marine Aquarist Society (Singapore), I have also approached many organizations to further our cause and I have seen many "agendas" of such organizations that I find surprising and disappointing but SRC has by far came across to be reliable and trustworthy. Just my 2 cents.
  22. AQ = Aquatic Quotient, its a forum well known for its rules against abbreviations and repeated "noobie" questions about the hobby.
  23. Hi Kelvin81, Q1: Is it able to suck up detritus at the bottom of your 2.5ft tank? Q2: What is the max level? Q3: Does it mean that the top portion of the Vacuum cannot be submerge? I am keen as I find it difficult to siphon from my 2.5ft overflow box and also from my sump. Please PM me price and place too. Thanks in advance.
  24. Bro, you are not only the threadstarter but also the firestarter!!! No la, I think your points are valid and I am sure Larry will look into it and revert soonest. Happy reefing.
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