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Everything posted by Metalian81

  1. Willing to buy only, no need to trade bigger than BM C7 skimmer... Must be in good working condition...
  2. Looking to trade my current BM C7 skimmer to a bigger skimmer, perferably BM C9 or SKIMZ 201... Will consider other brands too... Do pm me for discussion... Will top up the difference on clinched deal... Thanx...
  3. Looking to trade my current BM C7 skimmer to a bigger skimmer, perferably BM C9 or SKIMZ 201... Will consider other brands too... Do pm me for discussion... Will top up the difference on clinched deal... Thanx...
  4. Also can trade with my BM C7... Will top up the difference...
  5. Thanks bro for the offer... Actually i forgot to indicate that i am upgrading.. Currently using BM C7, tot of upgrading to C9 or Skimz 201... For chiller, currently without one tot of installing one if a good offer comes in...
  6. Anybody selling? Must be in working condition...
  7. Bro... Max shld be 31deg but must still give the fishes good quality food and frequent water changes as they tend to eat more when temperature higher.. I used to keep my 4 ft FOWLR at 27deg using chiller... Tats wat i see in the different... Even now i throw in OF bloodworm also they eat...
  8. Mine reached 31deg... But so far so good, still my angels and tangs eating heartily... Maybe due to hi temp... Otherwise color of fishes still ok for me, no fading detected so far... My tank already running 2 years in total but last 6 mths without chiller...
  9. 1 side popeye is due to injury thru fights or bump into something sharp, will heal by itself over time... 2 side popeyes is due to water problems, my remedy is to do water change more than usual and monitor... Usually happen to my king angel which is an indicator to water problem for my fowlr...
  10. Wats ur filtration media and skimmer bro? 2mths is still not that mature yet... Maybe can let it run fishless for the next 4 weeks with daily addition of bacteria... Just my opinion...
  11. How long have ur tank been running?
  12. Fake rocks are only for aesthetic purpose whereas live rocks are for dual, biological filtration and aesthetic (if ur r creativity in landscaping is
  13. Looks like u got sudden change in water parameters... What type of skimmer r u having? Try to do larger water change bro... And probably u also overloading ur tank... Adding 3 fishes together at one time is risky... Shld do one at a time...
  14. Is it eating? Just monitor bro cause maybe its acclimatising to to water... Dont rush things... Medication not the solution to ich...
  15. White spots in FOWLR caused usually by water problem or fish stress... Usually wat i do is to change water more than usual amount... Try to reduce specific gravity and feeding... Monitor fish response bro... Copper is abig no for me... Anyway, how long has ur tank been running?
  16. My opinion is just use ur 30kg sand bro... Just try to have less than 3 inches sandbed... Packaged Live sand to me also a big question mark...
  17. My opinion is 8-10times max of ur tank plus sump capacity... Bigger than these will make lesser contact time between ur filtered water and filteration medias in ur sump for nitrification... More important thing is the water circulation in ur display tank where i target another 20-30 times of tank capacity with multiple wavemakers to avoid dead spots...
  18. My only test kit was kh tester and using only swing hydrometer.... Substrate is optional but if u want to put, dont put more than 3inches thick... Chiller is also not necessary if ur water temperature doesnt exceed 30deg when all equipments running... Close monitoring and is crucial on the first 8-12 weeks....
  19. Bro Bad Boy... If u r only starting FOWLR, i recommend to have alot possible of live rocks or gd quality bio ceramic rings in ur filter compartments and nicely scaped live rocks in ur fgt for fishes shelter and aesthetic purpose... Also to get urself a double capacity gd skimmer for protrain exports... And few wavemakers for circulations in the fgt , try to avoid dead spots... Lighting with T5 will be sufficient... Tats wat i'm having for the last 3 years... Simple yet workable...
  20. My experience with Beamswork for my 4 footer is that the output was too white to my liking... Anyway mine is a FOWLR... Eventually i sold that away and return back to T5 using ATI bulbs...
  21. Bro reefaquaria... I did on my actinic for short hrs after 2 weeks of initial cycling...
  22. Bro Guyfawkes... Tat is wat u did too... Didnt do water change till the 2nd mth of cycling completed... Then did 20% w.c... Then only i on my skimmer... So far everything well till now... I used nsw from lfs for cycling but started to do my own water after 6 mths... And i nvr did any other water tests, only kh test only where i maintain at 8-9... Mine a fowlr, fyi...
  23. Bro hafizzul... I only on the actinic blue after 2 weeks of initial cycling... But only for short hrs, bet 4-6hrs per day...
  24. Its best to run everything for 2 mths with, freshwater top up in between, without even running the skimmer... After abt 2 mths, do a 20% water change and run the skimmer... After abt another 2 weeks, do another 20% water change and can already introduce the first fish... But not angels as they need much more matured tank water before introduced... This is wat i did for my fowlr as i'm lazy to check the water parameters, only check kh before my introduction of the first fish... Just my opinion...
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