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Everything posted by dieran_green

  1. Best to get one big and one small... that usually works. if both are ard the same size, they will need to fight it out to see who gets to be the female.
  2. depends on the species... most will leave other fishes alone
  3. Hi Pls PM me if anyone is intending to sell. Thank you and happy holidays
  4. change water and see whether the fishes' condition improve your tank may be too new to go without a skimmer
  5. Hi It could be a bacteria infection. you can try melafix, its reef safe cheers
  6. mix it with the food your angels usually eat. It might help
  7. Bro i'm interest in the Ph monitor, pls contact me at 97600903. I still haven't figure out the way to PM in the upgraded mode.
  8. Hi Another thing you might to take note is that after the copper treatment pharse is done, its good to slowing introduce your main tank water to your QT. This is to allow your fish to get used to a "copper free" environment and slowly built its immune system again. Cos even though the fish is free of ich that doesnt mean its immune system is strong enough to fight it off if it is introduced into the main tank where ich may be present. This was taught to me by Herny of ML. You may want to ask him if you do not understand what i have just type Cheers
  9. On behalf of stash just to let everyone the box of dead tonga branches has been reserved
  10. Dead Areas are areas in the tank where there are no or very little flow of water. This will lead to build up of organicn wastes i.e uneaten food or wastes.
  11. Hi, Intrerested in your Black tang. Pls sms the price at 97600903. Cheers
  12. Hi, can pm wat the the marine books you have for sale?? thanks
  13. Hi for the T5 light set, you mention only 1 bulb is working. So is it safe to say that all i need is to replace the rest of the bulbs and the set is good to go?? thanks
  14. sorry when is the closing time for the bid?
  15. Hi ppl, here is the pic Pls take note that the stand is a DIY wooden stand. The stand that comes with the tank set is a stainless steel stand cheers
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