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Juan last won the day on September 11 2018

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    Juan Juan

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  1. Selling for 100. It was in my tank for less than 30mins. Practically brand new. Ws me 96838977
  2. Measure alkalinity at the same time each day is a good practice and I believe heavy carbon dosing and adding a lot of bio pellets at once can also raise alkalinity based on my experiences
  3. I believe the 1+2+3+ balling solutions are not meant to be dosed independently. You adjust the parameters you want first with your remaining Red Sea solution then dose 1+2+3+ equally to keep the ionic balance as per balling theory
  4. I think dkh is the most important parameter to keep stabile, If you are looking for a dkh of only 8... I think you should look at the German salts like tropic Marin or fuana Marin. I use fuana Marin salt and AQ component 1+2+3+ on auto dose as using their balance balling formula I only need to measure and monitor one parameter which is dkh. Cons is that they come in heavy 15l packages and get used up fast if your tank is big.
  5. Looking good! Can take a closer pic of your overflow box? I don’t see the comb?
  6. Congrates! I currently have a male mandarin too. Been with me for 4 days. He has the entire 90liter tank to himself for the moment. Trying to make him accept frozen daphnia 1st as it closely resembles marine pods...
  7. Yup, for the time being, Henry is not training mandarins due to new system maybe not enough pods to sustain them for extended peroid of time. Saw pic of spotted mandarins in his latest shipment... will prolly go down later to see if got any green mandarins as i stay west side.
  8. Anyone seen mandarin fish? looking for fresh new healthy green mandarins so as to have the highest chance of survival....
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