1. Reefz Kalkwaz (new, not opened) - $8
2. eheim 2026, 1 yr old, comes with original ehiem tubing, rainbar... no media - RESERVED
3. filter media for eheim 2213 (consists of 2 filter pads and 1 blue course pad) - $8
4. Full spectrum fish food pellets (thera-a, anti parasite formula) - $10
5. rio 800 powerhead (comes with rotating kit)- $18
6. maxijet 400 powerhead (the nozzle has been saw off, hook on a timer and you'll have a random wavemaker) - RESERVED
check out this thread for info
7. 2ft tank with wrought iron stand - $10
If interested in any of the items, please PM or sms me at 9276 2187 for immediate deal.