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  1. Hi Reefer I have see this post in China http://www.cmfish.com/ they r doing some survey on Jebao Wave Maker. I like to see what is the results in Singapore. The survey will run for 3 months in China. I will keep posting the results from China CMF. http://www.cmfish.com/bbs/forum.php search for this word 捷宝造浪质量
  2. Like what tomini tang say,he have blacklist in most of the LFS.
  3. If the noise is from the fan i can help u PM mi
  4. Most of the noisy from resun CL450-CL650 is come from the fan.
  5. U can do that but use a External Controller so u do not need to use a bigger pump
  6. Running cost for a chiller to install in yr tank Star-Mex 9600 Btu A Star-Mex 9600 Btu run 3.2Amp n about 8hr a day base on 1hr on and 2 hr off. to calculat the $$$ that u pay mothly to the power supply this is the fomula amp x volt x hr per day x day x $$ per watt = ???? 3.2 X 220 x 8 x 31 x 0.0002115 = $36.93 1year = 443.16 2year = 886.32 3year = 1329.48 4year = 1772.64 5year = 2215.80 Resun C1000 A Resun C1000 run 4.8Amp n about 8hr a day base on 1hr on and 2 hr off. Resun need to run with a pump 4500l - 6500l to calculat the $$$ that u pay mothly to the power supply amp x volt x hr per day x day x $$ per watt = ???? 4.8 X 220 x 8 x 31 x 0.0002115 = $55.39 Sicce Mulit 5800 running 0.8 Amp 0.8 x 220 x 24 x 31 x 0.0002115 = $27.70 1year = 997.08 2year = 1945.16 3year = 2931.20 4year = 3908.30 5year = 4885.40 Arctica DA1000B A Arctica DA1000B run 5.5Amp n about 8hr a day base on 1hr on and 2 hr off. Arctica DA1000B need to run with a pump 2500l - 3800l This is a outdoor unit so u need to use a bigger pump to calculat the $$$ that u pay mothly to the power supply amp x volt x hr per day x day x $$ per watt 5.5 X 220 x 8 x 31 x 0.0002115 = $63.47 Iwaki MD 40 ??????? i have no data now.
  7. Go 4 1/2Hp it will help u to save more elec
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