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Everything posted by Kelvin81

  1. Aquamedic turboflotor 1000 correct? Very good skimmer. Need to pair eith aquabee 2500 for best performance. Up for you!
  2. Reef garden, elegance too aggressive. My tank a bit cramped. Scared it sting others. Green star polyp? I no knowledge on that can help to give pic for my reference pls. Admiraltian, yes going for a cheato and algae scrabber. Hope it can refuce algae issue in my DT.
  3. Re-plan my sump tank.. finally its done. Thanks to Vincent for the excellent job. Well done. Also thanks to Xtrader for his advise and guidance. From this to that.. Wiring work havent done.. its 2.28 am.. cheong har!!
  4. Very nice and detailed thread there. Awesome! !
  5. Thanks for the advise. Monday I will re-dip all my zoas again in coral-x. Every single pcs !!. The one that I caughy is about 0.5 cm.
  6. Both items sold. Thank you. MOD pls closed the thread. Thank you
  7. Thanks. Sound great on keep reproduce fungid baby. I will monitor it. Thanks.
  8. It got a skeleton body. Got tentacles on top part. Found it on a live rock. Pls help to ID this.. forgive me for the picture quality as taken by handphone camera.
  9. Hmm.. coz I experienced an opening that sucked in air, resulted my tank got micro buble. After readjust it I solved my problem. Bro, my apology that I cant help you.
  10. Ur return pump area enough volume of water for circulation? Is your pump fully submerged in water? Your piping, any small opening?
  11. Thanks. I already released it at changi village..
  12. http://www.google.com.sg/url?sa=t&source=web&cd=1&ved=0CC8QFjAA&url=http%3A%2F%2Fecotechmarine.com%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2F2011%2F10%2Fmp10_manual.pdf&ei=gb9oUcHVCIaGrAfw6YGoDw&usg=AFQjCNEX_TQrG5lEikq6AWT6Y_pdsDpxBQ&sig2=N03K1hTTUOnSdxAuaBk1jQ
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