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Everything posted by Kelvin81

  1. Bro.. What's the price range can pm me. Very nice work!
  2. No worries. Just trying to help. Happy trapping!!
  3. Doesnt look like dying to me. Use a powerhead to flush it then use a baby toothbrush or very soft adult toothbrush to give it a gentle brush to clean up anything that deposited on top of it. And place it at medium flow location with medium light. Hope its help. I exp it before and these method recovered my GSP
  4. Vincent will be back today. Cant wait for my skimmer!
  5. I vote for Vincent from aquarium artist. Fantastic and neat design.
  6. I never used a radion.. but I love my AI Vega.
  7. Sold. Pls close the thread. Thanks Mod
  8. Price revised to 50/-. 81820613. Thx
  9. Sold and collected by veronica. Mod please closed this thread. Thank you.
  10. Yeah. Forgot about that. His sump design are best.
  11. Agreed. He did a very good job for my tank.. if you need his HP number, do pm me.
  12. A sun coral with about 20 heads (different size). 70/-. East side.. changi area.
  13. Hide it a bit.. I hide mine. Im 2 feet tank too.
  14. Oh ok. Noted. Just to share. Happy reefing!
  15. I used to have a Razor 120w for my 2 feetx2feetx2.5feet. I place it 1 feet above water level. SPS (digitata and monti) are 1.5 feet away from light. Seems doing well. Acan also about same area.. doing well too. My maxima clam at bottom (my tank height 2.5 feet). Growing too. Only thing is my zoas seems need higher position.. coz at bottom means its about 3 feet plus away from the light. My setting was max 60% white and 100% blue.
  16. Bro.. today I got it from ah beng shop. Live brine shrimp. 3 dollar per packet. Going fast leh..
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