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Sam Yeo

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Everything posted by Sam Yeo

  1. Sam Yeo

    looking for

    Hi pro reefers I'm looking for some purple algae if anyone will to spare me some from their tank or sell me . And I'm looking for some item if you're willing to do give it free to me or sell me please sms me at 92274430 I'm new to marine world . Thanks . Protin skimmer for 3ft tank Sump 3ft light . Thanks a lot .
  2. Hi my tank had been cycle 4 days with sea salt and live rock but the water got one kind of smelly my skimmer was on and the cup is dirty I clean it everyday but the water still got smell what can I do? Any pros
  3. Hi I'm noobie in marine tank , wanna know is dymax 150w mh lite n 2x blue t8. A good light for 3ft or just normal? T5 or T8 better ? Don't know about lighting . Thanks bros
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