Hai guys.
Sooo my parents gave a Powder Brown Tang to me.For the past few days,its been fine,eating well and it was rarely hiding.Today,when i came back from school,I was greeted with Amyloodium
Hai guys,Atlantis actually agreed to redo the sump xD
They will be coming over in a few days.
I also tested my water params..
Hoping they go down ;-;
Thanks guys for the advice!
Thanks guys!
Im intending to keep mainly softies and lps with some sps scattered around..
I think ill be going for cheatos or some other nutrient exporting algae..
Now have to find a place to put a skimmer
But the problem is getting one..already spent a bomb on this tank..
Haha ;-;
Guys im perfectly fine with the comments.
Tank builder is Atlantis.
They say they did something to the sump and the back of the tank..
Abit blur when they say no need chiller..
I didnt have any rocks to make the right island bigger..
Thanks turtle for the suggestion
Thanks guys for the replies.
There is a ventilation gap at the side,so no worries
Tank builder said no need for skimmer ;-;
Normal T5s,2 blue 1 white.Thinking about upgrading to Razor thou.
Thanks dude
Thanks guys!
Hai guys.I have upgraded to a 5 ft
And I am here to document my successes and failures.
Today my tank was installed but not fully complete.It turned out there wasn't enough water so the system could not be started..
This was the aquascape.I made way for some holes for my corals.Let me know what you think about it,although I might be doing a rescape.
Some close ups:
As for the fish,I will be adding them after 10 days just to be sure [They used cured rocks and old water]
Now for pics of my messy sump
One more thing.
The water has opaque bubbles..?
Is there something wrong?
So yea.
Thats it for now.
Peace <3