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Everything posted by FLAME_hawk

  1. it appears that uncle kelvin from the fish channel has posted my tank on his thread labelled marine set up can view it there while i try to post my own photos enjoy
  2. I mwtg my existing livestock away in preparation for the new tank. I have a regal tang,normal clownfish, falco hawk fish, a yellow prawn goby with a pistol shrimp pair. The regal tang is about 4 inches with some ich but does not seem bothered at all so ideal for a reefer with a quarantine tank...interested parties please pm me
  3. thanks for your advice...would try to add one more wave maker but have already exceeded the budget for this month
  4. hi all, would like your comments about my upcoming 5ft reef tank...i have an existing 2ft nano tank to learn the basics and after 2 years, feel that an upgrade would be manageable(hopefully) here are the main specs: 5ft by 2ft by 2ft display tank with cabinet and 2.5 ft sump skimmer: deltec sc2060 FR: h20cean return pump: d-d FL5000 chiller: hailea 1/2 hp wavemaker: tunze turbelle stream 6105 lighting: tentatively aqua illumination vega x2 tank is coming around dec 17 cant wait!
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