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Everything posted by typrobin

  1. i dun think 150W comes in SE...mostly in DE....so far nvr come across SE 150W....
  2. whao....then u need tonnes of toilet rolls man....
  3. sentosa's hermit crabs....grab a lot, do a 5min fresh water dip to clear parasite and dump into your tank...they are good!!! and FREE!!! i took about 30 of them from sentosa and have another 10 from fellow reefer....my sand bed is very clean!!! IMO snails are too slow.....
  4. thanks RAV....i thought so too....HAI.....kena conned....but this piece is only $10....can't complain much...... anyone thinks that it might recover??
  5. need help now... http://www.sgreefclub.com/forum/index.php?act=ST&f=6&t=16938 pls advise..thanks...
  6. hi all, me in need of advise... the top pic is when lights are off, and the frogspawn is in sleeping mode....the bottom pic is under 20kk 150W MH, fully opened.... pls note that the teeth are exposed....anything wrong?? issit going to die?? if so, i will remove it....pls advise..thanks.... the top head doesn't have such problem...only the poor fellow below.... when i got it, it was already like tat....was told by the LFS owner that it is ok....was i conned??
  7. bubbles under my 20kk 150W mh...
  8. bro, how many tangs u have huh?? a lot of reefers advised me not to have too many tangs...they say max. is 2 for my 3ftx1.5x2(height) tank....
  9. our sponsor IAN is doing overflows....great workmanship...if u are on budget, u might wanna try serangoon north, i saw an overflow b4, not very sure about the price.... it is beside the mt plesant vet...the name is something engineering one....u will notice that they have many signs saying "acrylic cut to size" all over the shop....
  10. dun think it is advisable.... if u really need to do it, u might wanna consider making a metal stand to support your tank's weight....
  11. salt water is not sterile...so i think it will "spoil" if u leave it for too long....
  12. oi!!! i tot i reserved one set oreadi???!!!! u try to sell lah....if cannot find buyer, i can always buy 1 set...
  13. i wanted to post the pics for u that day....but i think i better leave it to the expert himself.... my skimmer is going up soon....later i will post my own pics.....hehehehe
  14. not fish safe?? but they are quite small leh....really small kinds....shouldn't be a prob loh....anyway....see u on sat....will collect my hawkfish and pass u the hermits as well.....must wake me up leh....i am a pig....
  15. wah 2 tunze?? with controller?? i think it will work better with controller....if u need free hermit crabs, i'll be going to sentosa on fri....i can catch for u and vinoth...they are doing a very good job on my sand bed....no more detris....but of coz i only have 2 fishes now lah....
  16. possible too, my fren's fishes all gone when he stirred the sand bed....
  17. i have a lousy atman, if u dun mind....i'll sell u cheap cheap...but i need to check with hermit whether he is taking it...i got at 40, used for 2-3mths selling for 25??
  18. wah lao....no wonder bwilly;s thread is more than mine...got pple quarreling inside...hehehe....come quarrel in my thread leh...
  19. http://www.sgreefclub.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=16816
  20. MY NAME IS NOT TYPEROBIN!!! typrobin....hahahhaa hey, u need help juz let me know...very willing to help...didn't get to help bwilly coz he very selfish...want to do everything himself... i reserved the MH liao ok?? dun forget....can give me priority?? poor student....need 2nd hand stuffs....thanks....
  21. u should put too much food...i think your sea water is too dirty...how bout a 10% water change every few days...to clear away the toxic....when fishes breath hard, it means tat ur water is not clean....ammonia and nitrite spike i think....be careful....dun change to much at a time...do it slowly....
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