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Everything posted by typrobin

  1. looking for volunteer to be my guinea pig....for next project....dual spray injector....
  2. wah your tank so nice ah?? no pics at all???
  3. is this wat i should do?? 1) raise the skimmer to the height of the sump 2) get hose to join resun md55 3) get pvc pipes to make a return to sump 4) get pvc pipes to make inlet from sump to md55 issit all?
  4. this is the spray injector loh.... u might wanna take a look a this http://www.geocities.com/jeffsreef/DIYpages.html
  5. NNBCCB.... the tank damn heavy ah.....should be around 200kg+++ luckily u have 2 strong men to help u....hahahahah
  6. look very pro rite?? hahahaha but actually v ugly coz i use silicon to seal up the joints....not suppose to as it will leak....that's y i put it inside the sump....
  7. thinkin of making this http://www.geocities.com/jeffsreef/SS6skimmer.html with 2 X spray injector and larger and taller reaction chamber.....any volunteers??
  8. GOT FOAM??? this is after 12hrs of testing.... still trying to adjust the water level accurately, now using ball valve, so its quite difficult.... the best thing is the foam is building even though i have only 2 fishes....1 small bi colour blenny and a cleaner wrasse.....
  9. hi all....with a lot of help from my neighbour cmswong, i finally did someting right.... this is the spray injector
  10. million thanks to my kind neighbour cmswong!!! he helped me with this.... so far the skimmate is still not there yet....cannot adjust the water level accurately...tomolo will do more work....the foam is good and the bubbles are very fine....running on a cheap pump now...still thinking whether i should upgrade....maybe add another injector to double the bubble....
  11. foam after 12hrs....still adjusting the water level...can't get it accurately as i am using ball valve....next project will be using gate valve....
  12. our friend Vinoth is getting R.O.M tomolo....wish him all the best!!!!
  13. tomolo i will throw it away....thanks...anyway...the LFS let me swop for something....damn good....i will be their loyal supporter form now on...
  14. shopping?? hahahha....broke liao...this month bought MH and eheim....now no money liao....still owe the bank for my bubble and hammer and 2 fishes...
  15. that's y i u are selfish....got pretty gal nvr tell me....gimme your co. add....tomolo i will drop buy...hahahaha
  16. bro, since u can afford chiller, why not invest on sump?? increase water volume and can dump all other equipts in...
  17. 2ft TANK?? very nice...i always thought only big tanks will look good....
  18. typrobin


    for dsb to work efficiently, it need to be as wide as your main tank....so quite pointless to have it in your sump....u might wanna have a refugium in your sump....dsb should be in your main tank....
  19. u sure not?? check with them leh....if confirm can, then i will do it....i dun mind topping up more cash for other things...
  20. i though u feeding HENRY's formula?? should be enuf lah...or u might wanna try DT loh....
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