Bought without researching, amateur error.
For very mature tank only, at least running for 1yr.
Collect from toa payoh.
Note: mandarin fishes are picky eaters, ONLY eat amphipods and copepods. So if your tank is not mature DO NOT try them.
Hi guys!!
Any old school reefers here kept their 250W in the storeroom?
I need the full set. With diamond/parabolic reflector.
I bet some of the new reefers here dunno wat the hell this uncle is talkin about.
try some hardy corals like zoos, mushroom. try not to add too much fishes / corals. your tank capacity is small, without any skimmer, u'll have trouble with nitrate in no time.
cool setup..
I have a few PVC gate valves for sale. in 1 1/2 inch and 1 1/4 inch. grey colour. KBI.
1 1/4 inch selling at $30
1 1/2 inch selling at $40
Please PM me if interested. only have 2 sets each.
just feed as much as it can eat.
ich is already present in your tank, so there's nothing you can do. just build up the fish's immunity by feeding them well. just like if we are healthy, we won't get sick easily.