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Everything posted by typrobin

  1. too many corals to remove...hai... maybe i'll just leave with it...
  2. is the air intake blocked?? might have dropped into the water...
  3. cleaner wrasse help to eat away the parasite...but once the ich is cleared, the cleaner usually dies of hunger...a cruel way to ensure that your precious fishes survives but no choice...i will be getting one soon too...my ich is getting outta control...
  4. jie, i thought u are supposed to stop LFSing?? i thought u said that your tank over-stocked?? aiyo...can never control yourself right?? heehhehe...now u know y i cannot stop smoking?? ITS AN ADDICTION!!! hahahahha can't wait to see your tank again...so much new gems...
  5. top 2?? who's the other?? danano?? DB, yours is(was) also among the top few lah...u so modest...
  6. currently...after around one and a half hour of skimming...
  7. completed the setting up at around 12am..
  8. hey LS. think this might help u decide better...
  9. oooohhhhhh.....sorry man....didn't know that u also patented your pics...
  10. will be setting up the RoBEck Mega at Vinoth's place tonight at approximately 10.30pm..ITS JUDGEMENT DAY... will do a half-hourly progress live update here...vinoth, get ready your camera!!
  11. hahaha...my inspirational leader, CMSWONG...he is the one that got me started in this skimmer fetish.. i think he should be more or less the 1st DIY guy who did a spray injector skimmer in Singapore i mean...
  12. i already have a back up plan for that..still discussing with one of the LFS to let me leave a display set in their shop...sssshhhh...dun tell pple who...dun wana get flamed...
  13. i think they are stresed out by the SUDDENLY-SUPER-CLEAN water....hhahahaha...
  14. my sailfin is in terrible sate...much worse that yours...white spots covering most of the fins... luckily, i only turn on my FR during the 5hrs photoperiod...i set it together with the MH timer...if not, prolly all my fishes up the lorry already...
  15. i must admit that your aquac 180 is good..really a good skimmer...but i rather DIY and keep the cost low...maybe pple who are interested can also save some money...so far, the ones tat i did(2 sets) are showing good results...i would say more or less around the standard AquaCs...
  16. nobody want my RobSKim (AquaC mod) .so far,pple who wanted it are those that have seen the thing themselves...so no choice...if u can't beat them, join them...hahahhaha... i am into all different kinds of skimmers...anything that can skim, i will do...anything in acrylic (except tanks, which i will try end of this year) i will do also... maybe i should try to do a GOLD needlewheel next time to beat the Bubble King...hahahha
  17. i think better to use PMs...dun post here...if not police will raid the shop in no time.. pm me too..
  18. hey weileong, how does GAC affect your AT?? after reading your thread,i also noticed that since i started running GAC and rowa, my tank seems to me infected with ich...both my yellow and sailfin tang are in terrible state now..especially the sailfin..almost as bad as your AT...but both are still eating, and all eat an assortment of food, nori, pellets, flakes, garlic soaked brine shrimps... should i turn off the GAC and rowa?? pls advise...thanks...
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