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Everything posted by typrobin

  1. now for my mushrooms... blue mushrooms...
  2. my fav...2-in-1 shocking pink brain...splitting into 2 soon... hahhaha...buy one get one free!!!
  3. another pink brain with green base...
  4. tat's bout all my fishes...most of the rest are always hiding... let's start with my gf's pink brain...
  5. hahahah...i wish i could... but in order to do tat i need to rent the mighty Roidan's Quattro Skimmer... hahhaha...not forgetting the tremendous electricity bills... my fav shot of the day... red clown goby on top of redhill...
  6. my stomach is so big, i can even use it as a cushion...
  7. fatman on the loose!!! sailfin blenny...
  8. yah loh...but he is recovering already... dun dare to use medication...gotta wait and see...
  9. he is always hovering around the red mushroom...
  10. all three tangs... dunno who will go 1st... i have a strong feeling its gonna be the powder blue...not eating, having ich...die liao...
  11. another shot of the powder blue...
  12. powder blue... not eating and developed ich...hai...bad move to have gotten him...
  13. but luckily he is eating... look at his big fat stomach...
  14. another shot at the sailfin...look at how terrible he is...
  15. space constrain...no more space in my hood... i did a little calculation myself... 2 X 39W t-5: ballast $40 tubes $44 reflectors $38 end caps $40 total $160 1 X 250W ballast FREE bulb $50 from u reflector $75 total $125 tat's y i went for 1 X 250W + 2 X 39W... i cannot go for all t5 also, becos i need space for my 2 X profantic fans...
  16. terrible red sea sailfin...eating like a pig but still has terrible ich...lets see how long it takes for him to recover...
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