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Everything posted by typrobin

  1. tips?? let me see... i also dunno leh..but sometimes they also kookoo one...depends on their mood... i dun do anything special..normal tank husbandry loh... change 20% every week... dose kalk everyday...3-4ltrs... dose DT sometimes, and when i feel like it... dun dose any other supplements liao... but i've seen great improvement in growth since i pump in the 250W..better than 2 X 150W... all this pics are wat's surviving, i lost a gonio before, zoos never survive for more than 1mth (nudi attack), frogspawn died before, hammer RTN also, seafan STN, cup coral dun open... but one thing i learnt which i feel is very very important: DUN SHIFT THEM ONCE THEY SETTLE DOWN..UNLESS SOMETHING IS HAPPENING, like something is stinging them...
  2. 2nd clam from bio ocean... side by side with my shocking pink(look like pale pink in this pic) brain...
  3. my 1st crocea..been with me for bout 3-4mths i think...growing tremendously fast under my 10kk 250W...
  4. pale pink brain with green base...
  5. the supposedly red cynarina... hey ryz, doesn't look red anymore right?? looks a little bluish from this pic...
  6. of cos i will go to your place one day to take a look... here are some macro shots from my bro's new camera... green prata from weileong..
  7. i went at the wrong time...now i know when is the low tide liao... i think the 2 poachers are acting blur lah...so many sign boards and they claimed that they didnt notice... hopefully, they are not thnkin of selling them...if not it will make matters worse...
  8. cannot add anymore tangs, if not will get a chevron too...the new irwana shipment is good...small and cute but with a big price tag...cannot afford also...
  9. of cos it stink like hell...that's shit for all u know...and its a RM 6inches shit-remover unit right??of cos its gotta be good... wat an irony, i do so many beckett skimmers and yet dun use it for myself...hahahaha...how i wish i can afford the high electricity bill...
  10. i got the sailfin from irwana..aquamarine sold that piece away, even though i "reserved" it..guess she forgot bout it... the flame hawk also from irwana...pmed u the price... red cynarina?? i didnt know i had such a gem...its a normal green cynarina..but it is priceless...a gift from a fellow reefer as no one wanted to buy it...and he needed to get rid of it...if was in terrible shape when i got it, but recovered well...*phew* purple brain?? the one on the sandbed?? not purple lah...cheap cheap red brain only...got from irwana, leftovers as well... i am an irwana fan, always get good discounts on top of already very low prices...
  11. your tangs are juv right?? dun think they will become fat kids...but when they become bigger, they will grow horizontally as well... personally, i dun like to feed Henry's formula...to potent for my liking..and i dun have a powerful skimmer.. tat reminds me that i've yet to check my nitrate level this week..gotta do it tomolo...
  12. my PBT didn't make it either...died 2 days after i took the pic of him.. somewhere in the north?? could it be the sadistic master Roidan?? if not, u should see his YT, really look overweight!!
  13. red sea sailfin: oh my god...i can't move...stuff all the food in my mouth 1st, chew them later...*burp*
  14. red sea sailfin: aarrggghhh!!! get lost!!!
  15. red sea sailfin: hey that's mine...
  16. HELLO!!! that's the hiding place..
  17. still has some scratch marks all over due to intense rubbing on LRs back then...
  18. i've never encounter the disease before, but your brain looks more like it was stung..
  19. wah...then can get from Sim Lim loh..no need to go bangkok and get...
  20. pray... i think u've done all you can...so just pray...
  21. think u better stop adding fishes, if not pple will start flaming u again... add corals loh...my exams will be done tomolo...when i come back from bangkok, will start cheonging again...
  22. hahaha...eric!!! u never fail to amaze me!!...ahahaha... good idea, but i dun think it is advisable to start something tat is related to gambling here..be it illegal bookies or singapore pools, it's still considered as gambling...and there are kids in here who are under 21, like me...
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