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Everything posted by typrobin

  1. hhhmmm....time to DIY needlewheel skimmers...hahahaah
  2. making money loh... like me, i sold most of my corals at a premium(mostly to cover those tat i had to give away)...even my flame hawk i sold it at a profit...no choice lah..i like it too much...
  3. how bout this pic?? nothing to do...hahahaha
  4. can lower the price for the 2ft cube?? but i can only collect next weekend...
  5. hahah...time to repay me for the free tank... might need help to do a stand for me...u game??
  6. real size?? if it is so, i will probably tear down my whole tank and re-cycle again...so scary...hahahaha
  7. if u do it this way, then its not worth the effort...might as well get salt?? seawater that LFSes are selling are usually prefiltered...i prefer them to saltmix..but i know a lot of reefers will prefer otherwise... as most mentioned, seawater around singapore is not very clean..look at the no. of ships running in singapore water..most importantly, sinagpore has the BUSIEST port so the water around us is not really clean...
  8. DIY!!! DIY is good...save a lot of money... now i am looking for a good quotation for my new L-shape cabinet...if the price tag cannot fit my pocket, then i will go back to DIY!! it doesn't hurt to be cheapos...hahahahhaa...
  9. aiyo, i tear down my tank liao leh...still can qualify ah??
  10. still miss your 4ft tank... but...i believe your current tank will be just as good if not better in a year's time...
  11. it seems like it is melting away...give it a little more flow to blow off the slime...just a little more will do...can try dipping lugols also, never tried b4, but seems to work like magic..
  12. u might wanna try seachem phosguard...did me well..but need to change more often because once it is saturated, it will leech phosphate... rowa is more expensive because it is proven that it leeches the least amout of phosphate if any...
  13. quite true also... maybe u should hold a private competition between the 2 skimmers... who knows? although your deltec is recommended for a smaller tank, it might just have the extra edge over becketts...
  14. issit a bare tank?? if it is, i will take it...cos its just nice for me to mod into a sump for my 2ft cube... can pm me or call me at 90024001...thanks..
  15. reserved for KK?? hhhmmm that means he should be collectin his tank soon!!
  16. no problem at all...anyway, i made a profit out of it so no regrets for me also... so glad that he is enjoying himself... and then again, so sad tat i have to let him go... definitely one of my fav... when my 2ft is up, i will have to wait for the next season to get it...
  17. whao...my flame hawk must be enjoying himself in your tank!!! so sad that my beckett got bumped aside ...but u've definitely made a good choice.. Ian has once again proven that he can do anything with acrylic.. not too sure bout performance, cos the one that u have now is a dual beckett.mine was only a single beckett..but Ian's workmanship is already another level beyond me and thus i concede defeat (for a while only) IAN: when can i get my acrylic mercedes?? just joking...
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