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Everything posted by typrobin

  1. pro2 pumps are ceramic shafts....but i think a pro2's flowrate is quite small...if i'm not wrong it should be 800-1000l/hr, i think so but as for the shaft, it is a ceramic shaft, for sure, unless its an imitation one....
  2. eric, mine is juz a 3ft tank....my DSB is about 4-5inches....i hope it is thick enough....
  3. hi all, i wanna arrange my rock leaning against the back too but afraid my glass might give way....mine is a 6mm glass...any advise?? can my 6mm glass withstand the leaning rocks??
  4. wat kind of dog issit? it looks like a mongrel...if it doesnt grow too big, i might be abe to persued my mum...i tried calling alice but no response,think she is off work...
  5. wah 2mths ar?? my god...so long?? hai....no choice....sian....
  6. hey chrislwp, from the look of the atman skimmer....it seem to suck in air from the input of the pump and let the impeller chop the air before releasing it into the skimmer....any needlewheel impeller used? if not, issit noisy? wat kind of atman pump does it use??
  7. if a needlewheel is used, the noise will be reduced and not too much vibration....but i wanna try 1 without needlewheel...
  8. i took my sick fish and seperated him in a quarantine tank...but yours is a 6ft, i think it'll be tough to remove all rocks and catch the fish....hhhmmmm..... good luck....
  9. relax man...all my fishes hides like tat....previously when i haf a bicolour dottyback in the tank, my fire gobies hide even underneath the rocks...now that i removed the dottyback, they are swimming freely around.
  10. i tink as it is a predator, the bio load is gonna be high...take note of tat....maybe a better skimmer?
  11. hi tanggy, i've made my own needle wheel using a bioball and notice that the pump loses its power gradually over a no. of days.....did u face the same problem? i'm thinking, since he venturi that we made already produce pretty fine bubbles, by chopping it with a normal impeller should be sufficient...are there any drawbacks? i heard its gonna be noisy....
  12. ok michael...will do tat.... didn't do it because i'm afraid he might be too stressed out....
  13. jazzben has some big pieces....vinoth u might wanna have a look.... he's related to me somehow....maybe can get it for u cheaper...i can bring u to his house too....some where in thompson....
  14. the salinity is about 1.021...don't dare to drop further....the temperature? not too sure...but i know its definitely higher than 29degreeC...especially in the afternoon, it should be 31 or more coz my house is not very well ventilated and it can be quite warm.... actually i saw wrongly...the spots are still there....but he is behaving much normally...eating too....
  15. haahahaha.....i think he's getting better....this morning when i woke up i shot straight to take a look...to my surprise, he is still surviving...i took a closer look, his white spots are gone....last nite, he was almost 90% infected....then i tried feeding him...and he add.... i think he is recuperating well....hehehehhe
  16. yup,decided to quaratine all the fishes till further notice....let the damned parasite die off 1st....but i am very afraid that my quarantine tank cannot handle the bioload... RAV already suggested to reduce feeding....my bro-in-law say do weekly water change...Vinoth willing to lend me his spare sump(2.5ft) as quarantine tank....michael gave me valuable advises....so did lightningstrike, roidan, ben and weileong...thank you all.... if my powder were to know of this, he will definitely RIP.... another death, another upset, another disappointment, another tear dropped..... he should had been happily swimming in the ocean, but instead had to end up in my tank for my personal viewing, now he is suffering the worst disease.should i have left it alone, he could have survived in the wild.i vow to learn more and improve my water condition to pay tribute to his honourable death.....may he be in peace, my lovely powder.... hhhmmm.....he's not dead yet....hope he survives the disease....
  17. yup, about a few weeks back i overheard the boss saying he is migrating to auz with wife....
  18. oh yah, nvr really posted an accurate answer....by juz too pissed off with Aq#aS$$r...... the death of my purple goby was not known to me coz its always in hiding....only managed to see it when my boxer shrimp carried his trophy out into the open to show off wat good food he had been having.the head was gone....when i saw it, my heart sunk into the bottom of my stomach.....
  19. 2 damsels when my anemone got sucked into my PH 1 purple goby (noticed it wasn't really healthy when i got it) 1 copper band (from Aq@aSt$r) 1 singapore angel (from Aq@aSt$r) 1 powder blue tang, now dying....in quarantine tank but not feeding (from Aq@aSt$r) i'm not trying to put the blame on Aq@aSt$r, but my tank parameter is alrite all along...no ich, nothing until i got the shit from Aq@aSt$r....personally, i banned all LS from there...even corals...i rather spend a bit more time going to other LFS which are mostly very far away..... really upset to see my death list increasing....my mood has been so bad, that my gf has to comfort me 24/7....i pity my gf,even though she knows nuts about marine, she has to help me out....
  20. where to buy powder blue coffin? he's not feeding at all....dropped a few pellets in and no response....still swimming around but....think it's juz a matter of days....
  21. hi all, this is related to my previous thread (Ich...damn this parasite) after hearing advises from senior reefers and much consideration.i decided to set up a quarantine tank.... my queries again: 1) how huge should it be? must it be able to hold as much water as my main tank? 2) if no LR and sand should be added, how should i control my ammonia, nitrite and nitrate bio load)? 3) must there be strong water flow like my main tank? 4) skimmer will be used but what other filteration method should i add to it? (polyfilters, carbon?) 5) i will reduce my SG and no fan will be used to cool the water, in case my fishes introduce parasites into my quarantine tank. 6) should i used lightings in my quarantine tank? i will leave my corals in my main tank...only transport the fishes into the quarantine tank 7) any other additives to use? phosguard, nutrafin cycle? 8) will be feeding them food soaked in minced garlic, will that be sufficient?or would garlic extreme be recommended..... 9) should be quarantining them for at least 1mth, should it be longer?or is 1mth definitely enuf to clear all parasite from my main tank? pls comment strongly, i will deeply appreciate all remarks and advises
  22. wah, drop so much ah?? okok...will try to drop about 0.005 per day...issit ok? as for the Waterlife Octozin, where can i get it??
  23. anyway, dropping SG...how low? i heard 1.020-1.021 is enough...juz need more clarification...thanks...
  24. i know about the theory of decreasing SG but wat about the temperature? by increasin the temperature, i can simply switch off my fan but wat is the theory behind it?
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