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Everything posted by typrobin

  1. typrobin

    DIY durso

    anybody can advise??
  2. Tanzy closed the old thread...at this rate, i think the mods have to ban all roidan's thread!!! hahahahaha no offences....eheheheh
  3. tat means tomolo i'll have a good good time viewing your tank!!! bro, dun blame me if i can't complete my work.......
  4. limestone?? issit suitable for marine tank?? limestone....hhhhmmmmm....then no need to drip kalk liao....hahahaha
  5. i also killed a clown deliberately before...it got stuck in my PH for about 1min....by the time i took it out, the body was contoured weirdly and it looks in pain....i took it out and threw him hard on the sink and killed it instantly, though it was a very painful experience for me but i had to do it as i knew it won't survive, so y let it suffer further....
  6. i think most things will leak....i read somewhere saying that there is a reefer who use a plastic tub as sump and somehow it gave way one day... though styrofoam boxes look frimsy, i think it should be able to hold a lot of water...
  7. as a matter of fact, ammonia and nitrite are the main components tat kills fishes during a spike, but after tat the nitrate will affect the corals... nitrate does not serve any purpose to corals nor fishes....it is juz there to accumulate and kill everything.... unless u are toking bout algae and marine plants like grapes....
  8. juz to help him clarify...it is not coral rocks....and from wat he mentioned, its quite heavy....
  9. bullshit lah....so easy to maintain marine tank then no kick already....
  10. but if they dare to slam their competitors like tat, they must have some backings....
  11. how much dead rocks do u haf?? huge pieces??i'm looking for huge pieces....hehehehe....and the spirul(&*#^@.....dunno how to spell...but same thing loh, gotta keep for me until my exams are over...thanks....
  12. whao....fabulous piece of work....now i have something to guide me on my DIY project....
  13. yah man....u are rite.... 40W won't make much of a diff....maybe about $2-4 a mth if u switch it on for 8hrs a day...
  14. dun get the dog hair brush....go to a pasar malam and get the kind of comb tat pple use to wash their hair....i'll be buying it later (to mod impeller, not wash hair)....will post a pic tonight... i think the dog hair brush is very ex...the pasar malam one is only $0.50....
  15. i think it's not enuf....pl lights do not have the intensity to go thru the height.ur fren might wanna consider MH...unless it is only a FOWLR tank....
  16. well, u've got a point.... but i've already reserved a 150W bulb from a fellow reefer....hai..... still considering....
  17. since the angel had ich while in your tank, tat means your tank now has ich parasite. if i were u, i would set up a quarantine tank, throw all my fishes there and let my tank settle for 1mth without fishes to clear away all the parasites available....
  18. typrobin

    DIY durso

    i've gone through on how to make a durso pipe....should be doing it soon....juz need to confirm the last part... must the end of the pipe ( the last bit leading into the sump) be submerged into the water? if i leave it on top,will it work??
  19. muah chee, don't forget the tunze!!
  20. i'm worried bout over heating but shouldn't be a prob coz i haf lotsa fans i can use.... or should i juz stick to 1 X 150W in the center... the spread is not very good leh....
  21. my idea.... i thought of this because the main attraction is the side where my LR will be stacked high and most of my corals would be placed there....i should be tilting the MH to about 35-40degree so tat the center portion also has enuf lighting.anyone thinks its a good idea? any suggestions??
  22. the conventional MH placement.... the brown,red,orange colours depicts the arrangement of my LR....
  23. y must it always be me....i need the calcium test kit...anyway....issit accurate??
  24. wah!!! cant imagine if it gets stuck in tunze....especially when the tunze is running a 6000ltr/hr!!!!
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