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Everything posted by typrobin

  1. i think 2 and 5 are quite ideal, being too low will stir up your sand too much....being too high, no point..... place it somewhere in the middle would be good....maybe u would like to get a eden rotating head kind, to cover more area??
  2. shoot the wind directly on to the water like i did loh....juz a suggestion....maybe gotta wait for a while.... it takes about 6hrs to reach the min. temperature....
  3. wat i did last time with my cannister was to switch the thing on and off several times....i think tat's y it spoilt....hhahahahaha use a sump loh.....better and easier...
  4. as i mentioned earlier, i did a test on MH before...2 X 150W for my 3X1.5X2ft(height) tank.... it served me well enuf.....cooled the temperature to max 29degreeC, it fluctuates around 28-29....and not forgetting i place the MH very close to the water, about 3-4inches away only....if u are kiasu, lift it 1 feet above water level.... maybe most pple won't believe me thinkin tat my tank is in an air-con room....but i swear by it.....no air-con room....i even went to the extend of closing all the windows in my whole house and tested it, results still acceptable...
  5. it doesn't rotate, from wat i know the volume of output or the speed of the water flow varies as per your own adjustments.... it can hit up to 6000l/hr, a very good devise to create waves.... i'm not too sure about whether it is too strong 4 your tank, i think it relies on wat will u be keeping....sps needs very strong currents, i think.... y not u check with tunze suppliers? they will be very willing to assist u....
  6. wasted, i juz threw away 2-3 pails of livesand.....
  7. DIY???hehehe i juz rest it on top of 2 pieces of wood....nothing spectacular.... i blow it directly on the water, never tried 45degrees b4.... using a fan, it cools by evaporation, juz like when we feel hot we perspire, when the sweat evaporates our body cools down, so i think by whacking the water directly, it will evaporate faster and thus cools better.....but of cos the better the cooling the faster the evaporation...i believe 26-27degreeC using fans can be done when the weather is better but anything lower than that is unheard of...
  8. i think i got mine at $28, if i dun remember wrongly, from AQ$#ST#R in yishun....most LFS should have them....
  9. hey bro, since u are using all these amt of light, y not change to MH....nothing beats MH and also nothing beats the heat of MH.... 4X36W = 144W 2X30W = 60W total 204W change to a single 150W, change save on electricity bills too... sell your PL and FL, might bring in some cash and get a cheap 2nd hand MH loh.....or get from viclite $150-160 only....
  10. pls dun buy those kind of 4-in-1 fans....USELESS!!!! not strong enuf....and expensive.....buy the AC type as recommended.....this is how i place my fan....i have a hood, so can't clip it on....
  11. pls dun buy those kind of 4-in-1 fans....USELESS!!!! not strong enuf....and expensive.....buy the AC type as recommended.....this is how i place my fan....i have a hood, so can't clip it on....
  12. i use the big ones....bigger than the normal pc fans...the brand is profantec.... my 3ft tank cools to less than 28degreeC now...seldom hit 28degreeC...of cos i am only using PL... even with MH 2X150W + 2 X 36W PL, hottest was less than 29degreeC.... use 1 fan, positioned parallel to the water level, about 2inches away.... evaporation is 3-5ltrs per day....i top up as and when i am free, dun top up everything one shot!!! when my MH is here,i'll use 2 fans, 1 to blow against the water and the other to draw out air.....might use both fans to blow on the water too, still deciding.... bad things: 1) very noisy 2) evaporation i think if we can maintain the temperature at below 29, good enuf...unless u are into SPS..... don't buy the ocean free brand (those that comes with 4-6fans), very weak and heard it spoils easily....go for the profantec one that i am using....good and efficient
  13. i dun think u have to cure the dead rocks....basically it is wat it is, dead....i think u might wanna juz brush off the top layer of the rocks, use a metal brush, scrub as hard as u can.... then juz dump them into your tank loh....sooner aor later they'll become live rocks.... if your tank already has liverocks, and is already stocked up then don't bother to cycle them again.the dead rocks will automactically grow beneficial bacteria... if u are thinkin of starting a new tank, cycle them for more than a mth, be sure it is fully cycled, change 20% or more water(some even recommend 50%,then add LS.........
  14. http://www.sgreefclub.com/forum/index.php?...=15157&hl=rocks
  15. y not use 6.5kk bulbs + 20kk bulbs 6.5kk for acceleration in growth and 20kk bulb for colouration....
  16. nice piece of work.... lets see, 2 X 150W brand new already $300...+ t5 + hood...very good deal man!!!
  17. hhhmmmm.....looks like http://www.sgreefclub.com/forum/index.php?...opic=15530&st=0
  18. u might wanna give more specs like, how many 150W? any pl or t5 added??
  19. let it remain like tat for a week or so....ich dun come and go like fever....its like chicken pox, need lotsa time...pls be patient....dun do too many things to stress the fishes....feed them a lot, feed with different food, and with garlic + vitamins too....i advise to let it remain for at least a month.... keep water as clean as possible...might wanna use some carbon, poly filter etc to keep the water clean, though it will not help the ich but will make the water more favourable thus less stressful....
  20. reeflobang, so touch by wat u said..... BETTER TREAT MY SIS NICELY AH!!!! hahahahahha
  21. vinoth!! more pics....i know u haf added more LS, pls dun be selfish and leave the view for yourself....u can show off your H&S also....
  22. my god!!!! my marine is emptying my pocket fast enough already, if i go back to my spawn toys, i will have to start begging for food.....
  23. kalkwasser increases both your dkh and cal level to a certain level....from wat i've gathered, these 2 components depreciates at equal amount...so by purely adding dkh buffer,ur cal level will decrease but your dkh will maintain or increase.... the best way is to measure your dkh and cal level....if dkh is around 8-12 and cal is around 400-500, maintain it with kalk....if any of the 2 is not in the expected range, increase it by adding only tat supplement...once it reaches your satifactory level maintain using kalk....
  24. from wat i noe, the only way is to let it subside by itself....add only additives to maintain your dkh and nothing to increase or maintain calcium level....once it gets back to normal, use kalk to maintain both...
  25. bro, u don't wanna sell me your cal teskit!!!! hahahahha i nvr test any of this parameters b4.....guess i have to spend money again....hai.........
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