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Everything posted by typrobin

  1. i know.... really very nice.... MUST RESIST TEMPTATION!!!!
  2. very nice!!! your frogspawn also very nice!!!
  3. phyto planktons are used to feed corals....fishes and other filter feeders like coco worms also take them....it is a food source for corals mainly, eg: hammer bubbles and frogspawn, etc....
  4. kalk is something like a mixture of calcium and dkh....although overdosin them is unlikely, it can still occur...therefore, u gotta test out how much is the calcium intake of your tank and add it accordingly... by dosing kalk dkh and cal level increase simultaneously, both also deplete equally....so the best and most ideal way is to measure them and alter them individually and after tat juz use cal as a guide to decide the amount of kalk required.....
  5. most of them are immune to their own species' stings....juz like a scorpion will not die if they accidentally sting themselve....but they are not prepared to accept stings from other species....since your tank is so big, i suggest u have seperate corners for each species.... eg: a hammer corner, bubble site and frogspawn area....
  6. bro, then wat about return from refugium to where??? if your refugium is closed and air tight, i believe the water will juz flow from the pump and straight to the chiller without going thru the refugium...
  7. bio-ocean has lots of sailfin tangs....juvenile ones and adults ones too....juz went there today.... saw some gobies too, dunno wat's the name....a couple of fire gobies left....not much corals....
  8. u can do tat it ur pump is a very powerful one....pressure rated....tee-ing it will coz lost in head....
  9. http://www.sgreefclub.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=15683
  10. damsel-in-distress, pls let kee have the cal testkit....i'm fine with it.....
  11. 16 cactus road seletar garden tel 64833127
  12. before u do anything, pls check on both your dkh and calcium level and ensure that it is of ideal level....dkh 8-12 cal 400-500 if either one is too low, use dkh buffer to increase dkh and calcium additive to increase calcium....once both are at the ideal level continue to do the following.... Conduct a simple test Test period last 3 weeks Example you dose kalk water 2liter per time and 3 time per week and add ???number of teaspoon per 2liter. Example: 7 days a week So far so good? Now for the simple test. All below numbers are example: You add 2 teaspoon of kalk for 2 liters of water each time. You dose 2liters of kalk water per time You dose 3 time per week Mon , Wed & Fri all same 2liters per day. Get the test kit Calcium. Measure your water on every MONDAY: 1st week MON: Calcium 300ppm Dose your 2liter of kalk MON, WEB, FRI 2nd week MON: test calcium again ANSWER: if on the 2nd week the calcium increase to 320ppm or drop to 280pp,. dont worry. dose the same amount again for the next week MON , WEd , Fri 3rd week test calcium again. If your ca level is still 320ppm means this number of dosing per week would maintain your tank at 320 ppm if u want higher ca level dose more kalk. If your ca level has drop below mean you dosing is not enough for your tanks needs. Dose MORE..
  13. tattered fins usually due to fights....don't bother lah....keep it like tat for a longer period...
  14. instead of Past time - $0.30/$0.60 Challenger - $0.50/$1 Professional - $1/$2 Gambler - $3/$5 we can try this.... past time - 1/2 mushrooms challenger - 1/2 buttons professional 1/2 hammers gambler 1/2 acro frag
  15. red devil, u really sourcing out for your MH hor....hahahaha....if u want i can help u DIY a aluminium stand....FOC, u pay for the material only....i like to DIY things, but of coz my workmanship is not very good loh....heheheh
  16. i think a e-ballast alone will cost $100+, not too sure the exact price....u can change the ballast as long as they are the same wattage....check it out with viclitem, they sell the cheapest, to my limited knowledge.....
  17. aiya,the point being u need it urgently and i don't....i'll only collect it after my exams...juz let me know, i'll fine with it....
  18. oh yah, my contacts.....90024001...robin here....
  19. if kee need it urgently then i can forgo it....nvrmind.... pls pm me to confirm....thanks.....
  20. i feel tat sgreef has been crippled without it...dun u guys feel tat it has became less active recently??
  21. all the tangs are quite difficult to maintain....especially pbt....hhhhhmmmmm..... only survivors are chromis and hardy fishes....hhhhhmmmmmm only thing i can think of is poor water parameter....hhhhhmmmmmm but i dunno which one......hhhhhhmmmmmmm I GIVE UP!!!!
  22. wah lau, very tempting!!! cannot must tahan..... which LFS accepts credit cards???
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