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Everything posted by typrobin

  1. can lend me try try 1st?? we discuss tonight loh...see u later!!!
  2. bro, i will save u!!! wait for me to get my camera back....hahahahaha
  3. talk bout temperature....mine hitting 30 soon....now running 2 X profantic fan instead of 1....
  4. bro, i need external one leh....u said your weipro not external rite?? i need about 2000-3000ltr/hr
  5. JUST NOTICE THAT MY BACKVIEW IS NO LONGER IN THE THREAD!!!! hhhhmmmmm.....nvrmind....i will post a pic of the FRONTVIEW of my BACKVIEW....
  6. A THOUSAND APOLOGIES TO DANZER!!!! FOR AEROPLANING U!!! too bad...the eheim not for me....i am getting a 1060 from my kind neighbour for the return....but still need another for my skimmer....
  7. external pump loh....eheim will be good.... hai....i know marinereef selling....but by the time i shall your sms....the sun burning my big fat s already.....too late....U NVR CALL ME!!!!hai.....
  8. hai................... anybody can help me save my hard-earned money???
  9. Latest update.... Selling items as below : 1. Salifert Calcium test kit - $25 (used only 5 times) Reserved (sold) 2. Salifert Phosphate test kit - $15 (used only 3 times) Reserved 3. Tetra PH test kit - $5 ( brand new) 4. Seachem Calcium additives 1kg - $18 (almost brand new) Reserved 5. Deltec T5 39W actinic plus tube - $15 (used for 1 month only) Reserved 6. BLV 150w 10k MH bulb - $50 (used for 2 weeks only) Reserved 7. Eheim 1260 - $100 (under warranty by petmart- 1.5 yrs left) Reserved pls remember me All items reserved except 1 item left Tetra PH test kit - $5 (brand new)
  10. a very simple yet effective feeder...the normal floating ones that LFS are selling is not covered, so my profantic maniac will blow the flakes all over the place.....thanks again hermit.... my skimmer is doing fine so far....but gotta make the collection cup.....old one is too tall....now running without collection cup, juz to see if it will foam..... I WANT MY CAMERA!!!!
  11. boss.....can sell me your seawater?? so clean....i think i'll use it to bath.....hahahaha.... nice meeting u.... i reserve the name BUKIT TIMAH SUMMIT!!! coz mine is only a small one...hehehehe, not a beckett also....juz a spray-injector kind....
  12. has vinoth taken your old one??hhhhmmmm....i'll go to his house some day...
  13. if not y u need to skim so much of your tank?? its as good as a RO unit!!!
  14. AT!!! are u drinking the water straight from your tank???
  15. hahhaa... thanks bro....it is tall because my fan is always blowing the flakes away....thanks hermit!!!!
  16. my project finally working....hahahaha.....but still need a little fine tuning... when i get my camera back, i will update!!
  17. skimmer?? DIY one lah....still dunno whether it will work.....will update tonight....
  18. ok loh...hai....gotta use credit card again...sian....
  19. try this http://www.spower.com.sg/html/customer_ser...fs_frameset.htm and use this http://www.reefcentral.com/calc/tank_elec_calc.php
  20. yah man!!!damn cheap....still waiting for a chance to go to his house and grab his stuffs....i got 1st priority!!! at least that is wat he said.... MH up liao....no pics, no camera.... very nice!!! 20kk damn nice..... skimmer tomolo!!!
  21. tanzy, where did u get my gf's photo???
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